Sylvanas Sabotage

Protesting funerals is still the lowest of the low imo, there aren’t many “non-violent” things worse than that, probably #1 thing that pisses me off.

You are running around of a lot of circles to just say the same thing I did.
It doesn’t make what the Horde did excusable or even acceptable.

You have failed to present what the Horde did as a last minute addition with no basis and therefore free of the gravity it presents.

I don’t understand what you hope to achieve in this line of argumentation.
Its like you take a swing and then punch yourself.

The burning was as planned. The dev embrace of the genocide narrative was clearly not.

Interesting. Its the opposite for me. I unsubscribed for about a year and then switched to Alliance over BfA.

I couldn’t play Horde anymore when it became clear they had not story for them other than being the bad guys for the Alliance to fight. I wonder if I dare hope that might change.

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Regardless it was presented in the game and players experienced it.
It is part of lore and gameplay history now… as consumers its not our duty to appreciate the complexities of how the sausage is made.

We just have to eat the hot dog they give us. If its raw, putrid, riddled with cat feces. Its not my problem that the chef had a bad day or had to make it quickly.
you understand?

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story not considered I enjoyed 8.3 thoroughly. visions were fun, especially with masks. corruptions were busted but it was a nice attempt and it polished essences. for a patch in a bad expansion it was pretty good. I hope to god I can say the same for 9.2 since we’ll probably be stuck with it for like an entire year.

I have never been one faction exclusive. Idk.

Gameplay wise, I didn’t like 8.3 much. Outside of the story, I enjoyed the questline and raid but that was mostly it. 9.2 seems like it’ll have a good zone and raid, but not an exciting story. I’m hoping Blizzard gives some timely announcements so that we have more information on what we can anticipate. Then I can atleast make plans for the next expansion.

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The fanbase has protested about plenty of things before. But the discord caused by the burning of Teldrassil was on a whole new level compared to anything seen previously.

Hard disagree.

Look, you can be fine with the WoT if you want, but I don’t think you should ignore or downplay the damage it did to the game and the playerbase.

Wonder if those were Afrasiabi’s idea (so removing them before they hit live is just them “cleaning up” stuff he left behind) or whether someone else put them in. Does anybody remember when the PTR testing for that bit of content was happening? Was it before or after we now know Afrasiabi was gone?

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I’m a bit worried that the raid might be blasted through though, with how the WF race and the two legendary slots are lining up time wise it seems that it might be tuned for one legendary instead of two leaving an easy and lackluster tier.

But otherwise, I just hope the writers find a way to salvage the radioactive rubbish left story wise.

That is a little of. LGBTGQAs aren’t turned to LGBTGQAs against their will.

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That’s a lot of projection.

It was actually just that the Forsaken appeal to a lot of different people who identify as being social outcasts. That was the early appeal of the faction.


I’m someone who views the end goal of raids as being to get gear, so outside of defeating a boss the first time I think that players should hope to get gear not after a long time but not a short time either. So long as that’s achieved then players will probably be kept occupied for a good amount of time. I’m against the last three bosses being timegated outside of LFR. The covenant legendary shouldn’t have a currency cost. That’d be good IMO.

I did not. I was trying to decompress from SL nonsense by going back and doing Cata leveling questing for Loremaster on Skarm here and some Legion alchemy questing on my tank, but getting caught up in this thread soured me, but I felt compelled to defend/articulate my opinions. And even one of my attempts at a joke turned out to eat up like 100 posts of serious religious discussion nonsense.

Don’t forgot, the Horde also gets to be the bad guys to not just the Alliance but the Horde itself. Again.


He was at the first Blizzcon after BFA release but not in the next.

Well you bought two… now you get the third one for free.

When was the Jailer created, 8.1 or 8.2? I’m wondering now who made the Jailer and I think we can figure it out.

Sometimes I walk away and do something else if this place starts to upset me or if it’s too boring. Walking away when threads get too much is the best and only advice I can offer you.

Lets pretend for a minute that these were actual persons, and not just characters in a written narrative, and that things happen beyond their control and are not preordained by an omnipotent author. If Sylvanas’ stated primary goal is to succede against the alliance, occupying Teldrassil alone will not accomlish it. She needs the Alliance to fight over it. Either Malfurion needs to be alive and well, furious beside Tyrande, demanding that the Alliance retake a mostly empty Teldrassil, or Malfurion needs to be dead, with Tyrande demanding vengeance for her lost lover and recovery of her homeland. All while Genn Greymane remains insensitive to their pleas as he himself has a lost homeland and loved one. This cannot occur with Malfurion alive, licking his wounds, barely rescued by Tyrande giving them all time to think avout the next logical step. Without the divided alliance as an option a Teldrassil occupation is futile. The only option left to Sylvanas is a Queen’s gambit. She needs to sacrifice UC to draw Alliance leaders into a trap, but can’t if she has Teldrassil hostage. Teldrassil was a victim of circumstance.

You can hate it, you can disagree, but you’d be wrong.

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Who knows… my guess is Muehzala was the originally brainstormed big bad. Probably meant to be god-tier like Elune. The jailer seems very tacked on.

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