Sylvanas Sabotage

Im really not. WoT was very typical and mirrors the type of faction conflict that has been a hallmark of the franchise for decades.


Yall remember the Horde concentration camps for Night Elves in Darkshore?
Big oof… can yall imagine if they left that in the game?

I think someone at Blizzard knew the Horde and Sylvanas redemption was coming and they knew a tree burning is already hard enough to deal with but concentration camps?

Actually it was the first time in WoW that they did this. Even Theramore was practically empty when the Horde blew it apart.

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I heard that those camps existed on the PTR at some point, but I can’t find a picture.

No, it is not at all.

Look around. No one agrees with you.


If I recall it was going to be in the fortress like structure in the center and it was mainly cages and NPC assets that were datamined.

By the time the PTR went live those assets were removed for shredders and other goblin stuff instead.


I agree with him.

Fenrir Isle, Pyrewood, Ambermill, Southshore, Andorhal. These are places the Forsaken took from people living there.

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Saying that you reported someone else is also against the rules, though.


What if you report yourself?

WoT is one of those events that negatively effected almost everyone for different reasons.


Then report me. But don’t think this makes the other post any better (another fallacy).

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But you are wrong no one agrees with him, there are people who agree with him.

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You don’t count.

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my only hope is that if they do anymore of faction conflict both sides get to be “bad guys” I want to wipe out forsaken civilians and blood elves in questionably unethical ways as well man, getting left out of all the fun sucks. can’t even burn some foxes without it getting removed :pensive:

He and I share very similar PoV’s on the story because we have experienced the same narrative choices. He’s also a Sylvanas and Forsaken fan.

You are saying the entire Forsaken Loyalist PoV is wrong or just mine?

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You must have really messed up to cause Baal to ask these questions rofl



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Isn’t your sub running out soon? If you get banned, this may be your last day. Goodbye, if that’s the case.

Why is this? Why all of this, any of this?

Why do we gotta hate the player, not the game?


Yeah, I’m just uncomfortable with drawing parallels and then using the parallel drawn to declare anything being said against the fictional group as evidence that one probably dislikes the real group.

Unless it’s a very, very heavy handed allegory, there are multiple interpretations. And heaven knows that, for instance, themes of ostracization aren’t unique to one group. You could also use the forsaken as an allegory for being a teenager pretty easily, for example. No one understands them, they’ve left their old lives behind and been reborn, they’re trying to find their function in the world now that everything has changed, they feel misunderstood and rejected by society (but part of that might be bad leadership and not being good at reaching out), they painted their walls black, they’ve made metal part of their identity… and they smell funny.