What is the lore reason why Sylvanas is wearing pants and not Bikini armor? She is undead so I feel like she doesn’t particularly have to care about clothing. Also what was the lore reason for covering up her stomach? Was it to remove the embarrassing fact that she was suppose to have a scar there apparently but it was never actually there?
What exactly would be the lore reason for why she WOULD wear bikini armor?
'Cause she’s got a busty rack and Nathanny needs his bitty!
It’s canon that the Banshee Queen has poor fashion sense.
How else would you explain that milk-chocolate colored travesty on her midsection?
Her color coordination is worse than the Burning of Teldrassil.
Because its HER choice bro!!
Sadly I agree. Calia has better fashion sense.
She skips Leg Day.
But does she draw her runny mascara herself every day or does she constantly cry, that’s my question
unfortunately didnt the really dumb war bringers turn it into like a “scar” from her tears
Hopefully this game never goes the korean mmo way
I’ll pay you $10 to never say that again.
What model are we talking about here? If it’s the Maw Armor model… idk if I would even call those “pants” in a modern sense. There’s plenty of hip and cheek there for weird people to gawk at. Her thighs might even be exposed without the breechcloth. I don’t think they are pants.
The real question is why the hell does Sylvanas and the Jailer have waist armor that would stab them every time they leaned over, or did a sit up?
Men talking about woman’s body in video games just that.
I would like to see uther in briefs would be hot.
Anyone else find it funny that sylvanas jailer armor is extra skimpy around the legs?
I did not actually know this wtf
Doesn’t seem like it. As it appears as though she’s chosen something else, but you’re insisting that there has to be some lore reason for that choice.
the cape ugly though. also why the h e double hockey sticks is blizzard obsessed with spikes like cmon.
yeah but it would be her choice if she were to wear it.
Man, that is some very WoW armor.
…How would you even put on those boots?
Was her choice to put on pants then.