Sylvanas isn't getting redeemed!

Getting your soul back is vastly different then from getting redeemed. By getting her soul back she is reborn basically. The Banshee Queen is no more long live Sylvanas!

Anyways I predicted all of this remember? I said Sylvanas will be made mortal again… and that the Alliance will take her in to protect her from the Horde that wants her head.


She joins alliance and become a janitor


Even by that logic, you could still say the Banshee Queen redeemed herself by choosing to turn on the Jailer at that moment, which caused him to relinquish her soul in the first place.

“Good Sylvanas” had nothing to do with “Bad Sylvanas” faction swapping at the end of the fight.

Sylvanas may just get locked away never to be seen again after all this. This will keep the character around long enough to reintroduce her in WoW II.

Yes this is ultimately why Blizz didn’t want to kill her off!

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… On her return trip with Anduin from their honeymoon!

She has to save Manduin before she’s retired. After all their little talks she’s fallen for some more human potential.


Considering the Ardenweald cinematic I would say she’s 100% going the way of Kerrigan the chosen one.

Oh this is getting redemeed.
Tired of their obsession.

If the very next thing that happens isn’t everyone curbstomping her, I don’t care.

The writers are actual trash.


bro I’m talking hundreds of years. Obviously WoW II would be set in the future.

Elves do live like a really long time right?

Of course she isn’t getting redeemed. Redemption would imply that she thinks she did something wrong and atoned.

This is everything after her soul was stolen by Frostmourne being excused due to temporary insanity.

It’s a long honeymoon. They’re gonna come back with like a thousand half elf kids.

Still garbage writing. Her being remade mortal doesn’t change all her past actions. After we stop the jailer and save teality she needs to die.

A 12 year-old with a box of crayons could predict the course of the blizzard writing staff, I’m not impressed.

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You give them more credit than they deserve. More like 3 year old’s to me.

You mean “The Janitor”.

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Sylvanas next speech after getting redeemed

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Sylvanas should be forced to work in the leper gnome sweatshop in silvermoon for the rest of world of warcraft’s time on this earth.