Sylvanas isn't a "Mary Sue"

No, this is you giving no examples and being a contrarian.

How about you actually make a valid point.


As I have said, any cursory google search will reveal a variety of definitions for the term. You have no authority to declare one or the other as the superior one.

If you don’t care to perform this search yourself, that’s your problem. Folks are still going to use the term. And they will almost certainly use it to refer to Sylvanas.

About Sylvanas, why is she a Mary Sue?

I literally don’t care about your flaccid interpretation of the English language.

This is grossly inaccurate. The only people that do this are people that have no regard for what the word means. The fact that the words “figuratively,” “symbolically,” “virtually,” and “ironically,” exist means that choosing an incorrect word repeatedly, does not then make it the correct word.

From Wikipedia:

A Mary Sue is a generic name for any fictional character who is so competent or perfect that this appears absurd, even in the context of the fictional setting

She is so competent and perfect that it appears absurd - evidence, practically every cutscene or story component that includes her.


Wrong. The word has shifted so much a writer is better off using a different word to avoid confusion. Failure to acknowledge this does not mean it has not happened.

I gave you a sweeping generalization, of “practically all of” her cutscenes. It should be relatively easy for you to come up with some counter examples.

Or, it would be if she wasn’t an absurd mary sue, which she is. As are most of the other primaries in all the cutscenes in WoW.

What? no loading screen has jaina fighting gorak thul :S

Blizz only operates on rule of cool and doesn’t actually follow logical consistencies in their power levels. This is why Jaina can go from summoning a tsunami and an arcane mage ship but then when it comes to the Broken Shore she just finds Tirion and creates an ice bridge lol

Sylvanas… goes from getting shot in the back by some nameless Gilnean and then solo farms 25 man heroic ICC

And in those cut-scenes( I assume there are multiple as you insinuated), what specific thing in your eyes labels her a “Mary Sue”?

The ones where she is so powerful and competent that it appears absurd, following the working definition above.

The only cases where she has really “lost” is when facing another invincible uber character. She is effectively a demigod without much reason for it. Also, face not rotting and no holes in it.

The fact she’s so powerful leads to inexplicable scenarios like the one where she just left rather than gutting Anduin (and then leaving).

The closest thing she has to a character flaw is her emotional outbursts, but those are all perfectly in keeping with a megalomaniacal villain sue character.

The opposite of a “sue” character is a somewhat flawed, interesting character (whether protagonist or antagonist) who struggles against other forces. Actually struggles - the only struggling I imagine Sylvanas does is getting into that laughable armor.

Look at the Bolvar fight. If that was supposed to be interesting, they failed, because it was laughably one-sided. Boring - and boring is the result of “sue” characters; by any name.

he was already weakened from the blight. not that she was powerful enough to defeat him.

Also, I am pretty sure the Forsaken are still in Gilneas, and the only non-Forsaken character I ever see when I revisit the zone is an ettin. Even then, in the Silverpine quests, the Shadowfang Keep bosses kidnap Lorna for use as a bargaining chip, so that Darius and his men will leave Gilneas. Where is this lone Gilnean living in Gilneas? Is it the underwater part, the castle where the road has been destroyed, the abandoned city-proper, the docks where all of the Gilneans escaped to Teldrassil?

Didn’t she get militarily beaten by Arthas?
Didn’t she get killed by Arthas?
Didn’t her military efforts in BfA fail?
Didn’t her over arcing plan, fail?
Didn’t she lose her home city twice?

Didn’t people generally mistrust her even before she was Warchief?
Didn’t people mistrust her even when she became Warchief?
Didn’t people turn against her when it became necessary?
Wasn’t she forced to flee for her life/safety?

Isn’t her ability explained through decades of writing and game dev?
Aren’t her abilities expanded on in WoW?
Don’t her abilities being evolved get explained point by point?
Aren’t her abilities justified, given her station and ability?

You’re biased.

Have a nice day.

This is me still being polite, way beyond the point that it matters. :grin:


If she failed so catastrophically why is she still around?

Compare her to someone like Voss.

Not satisfactorily, no. She isn’t the only character with this problem in the game, either.

Her abilities are justified by her ability? Okay.

If you get so angry when someone disagrees with you on the point of how well (or poorly) written a character in a game is that you have to repeatedly state how polite you are, perhaps you should seek other activities.

You’re obviously biased. Having a conversation with someone who is so clearly biased is almost absurdly boring. This is why I’m saying that I’m being polite, because for me this almost feels like I’m talking with a child. I understand that that’s a bit rude, but that’s really how it feels.

Your only claim to her being a MS is that she is strong, which is explained in game.

I don’t think you know very much about the games lore. I think you have issues with strong female characters, and Sylvanas is a basic portent of your ire.

Her character is varied and complex. To assume she’s flawless is to ignore all of her faults. To assume she’s all powerful is to ignore the times when she fled for her life, or her personal quest for Val’Kyr, that would ensure her resurrection and safety. If she’s all powerful, then why is she beholden to the jailer? Why was she beholden to Arthas or Garrosh?

A character that has lived for hundreds of years and lived multiple lives and who has come into contact with many artifacts of great power… should themselves be very powerful. Our characters themselves are proof of this.

I’m sorry that she zapped Saurfang and that that somehow personally upset you, but it’s just a game and she’s not a Mary Sue.

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Because Luke wasn’t OP at all. The force assisted him once in a crucial moment. It’s more divine intervention than his own power. You could even see it yourself in second movie when his powers were not really that impressive. He could merely lift a few rocks, and a ship was way too much for him to handle. Luke definitely had a potential and this is what Vader sensed, but he still needed to hone his skills over a longer period of time.

He was not at any point OP, he failed multiple times.

Good thing I was never a Superman fan then, precisely because he was way to buffed up to be relatable.

They’ve made her Me’dan level ridiculous. Only in her case this is a terrible thing. By doing so they completely ruined a major lore character, as opposed to some absurd comic book one shot.

No, no its not. The majority of its not explained.

Again, no they absolutely have not been. What has so far been explained, supposedly, is that since Cataclysm and when Sylvanas had thrown herself off of ICC that supposedly the Jailer had communicated with Sylvanas and made a deal with her which was NEVER explained in game or outside of the game until the 2019 short story. There were no hints, there was no build up, just post-BFA lore saying “Oh yeah, this has been building up for ages”

That does not constitute actual build up.

Take Cataclysm for example, the first storyline we get with Sylvanas post Lich-King has he die to a random undead with a rifle betraying her. She flat out dies and nothing about her character’s strength or powers change since that point until the battle with Saurfang in BFA. She never shows any major new powers before that point, the most we get to see is her banshee powers in the BFA opening cinematic and her talents as a ranger. Nothing absurd, nothing over the top.

Then, abruptly in the Saurfang vs Sylvanas fight she starts pulling new tricks she has NEVER had out of nowhere.

There was no–

growth in her power.

Heck, take Warcrimes which takes place between MoP and WoD where in an argument Baine Bloodhoof grabs Sylvanas and she thinks just how overwhelmingly physically powerful he was compared to her. That just from feeling him grab her she knew he could snap her like a twig, all this HER commentary on his physical strength. Fast forward 3 expansions and, without any build up, she suddenly has physical strength far exceeding Baine or any other humanoid like them in Warcraft history. She has the PHYSICAL strength, suddenly and without any build up, to fling literal HUNDREDS OF TONS of Saronite around purely with physical prowess?

No, she has had no build up of power in game. The only build up she has had over the years, from Cata till now, was that she was evil, manipulative, and sly. Things like using the plague behind Garrosh’s back, her planning to kill her own sister and her children and raise them into undeath, etc.

That is why when that developer in the interview a while back mentioned that Sylvanas was behind the Undercity rebellion in WotLK, that she was behind Putresses actions, not one person blinked an eye or made a big fuss about it because that fit with her character. There has been nothing but build up showing that Sylvanas is manipulative, that she is evil, that she does instigate from the shadows unlike the absurd and random power boost she gained.

You are the one who is trying to make this about gender literally 5 sentences into your statement, which yall really need to stop trying to do. This has never been about gender so stop trying to make it about gender because you don’t have any legitimate counter arguments to how absurd she is.

I can literally use half the arguments on her absurd strength on Thrall during the Cataclysm. A character who, just like Sylvanas, is one of my favorite Warcraft Characters but just because I like him does not mean I blindly accept any BS Blizzard pulled with him.

He went from being a strong character to LITERALLY HOLDING THE PLANET TOGETHER BY HIMSELF! No build up to that power gain, no real explanation to how he was doing it, just suddenly he could. Cataclysm was nothing but Thrall being the greatest character to ever live. Randomly he was powerful to the point of performing absurd feats, everything he did was right and he could do no wrong, etc, etc.

Don’t pull this garbage of “You just don’t want strong female characters!” because you don’t have any footing to stand on in your own argument. Its pathetic.

You know who are some strong female characters? Tyrande Whisperwind, plenty of build up to her powers and they are all kept in check. She needed to become stronger? She performed a ritual that was made very visible and clear and even with that ritual she still has powers that are in check. She didn’t just get powers out of nowhere, she earned them. People may not like her character development, but it feels realistic.

Heck, how about Yrel? We find her as a captured slave in WoD and free her. She helps us fight against the Iron Horde in Tanaan and we escape with her where over the course of the ENTIRE EXPANSION she is built up and even then she does not pull off any absurd powers like Sylvanas. Heck, even when fighting against Blackhand it took both her and Durotan working together to end up escaping from him. They didn’t even win! At the end of WoD she fought on somewhat equal footing with Durotan and Grommash against Archimonde, Grommosh being on of the greatest Orc Warriors to ever live. She had legitimate, well displayed/explained, build up over the expansion.

Stop trying to make this about gender just because undead waifu is getting called out for being absurdly handled.

First off… /looks at Nathanos, the Dark Rangers, and Sylvanas Loyalists

Second, you are right, there are people who hate Sylvanas. Being a Mary Sue does not mean that literally everyone loves you as other’s have pointed out… You are right though, the term Mary Sue is often missused/pop culture is constantly changing its meaning as most words have happen over their lifecycle, which is why I call it what it is, “Bad Writing”, instead. In fact, in my post you are responding to I never even used the word Mary Sue anywhere in that post or any of my posts in this thread like you are trying to paint that I did.

Sylvanas Windrunner, post Legion, is a beyond badly written character.

So why you are making such a huge deal about the whole “Mary Sue” thing to me of all people is absurd. Seriously, I don’t call her a Mary Sue anywhere in this thread and in fact in the other Mary Sue thread about multiple characters I even stop at Sylvanas and say “Mary Sue/Gary Stu” is greatly missued in place of “Bad Writing”

The fact that you can’t even get what I say straight, trying to make it sound like I am making this about Gender, which I never implied, and trying to say that I stated she is a Mary Sue, which I also never implied, all because you can’t defend Sylvanas’ poor story development in BFA is quite telling not to mention the fact you make responses like this, unprovoked–

You have no argument to stand on, you fling accusations at people, tried to take it to a sexist place, tried to say I am misusing “Mary Sue” when I never even used that word in this thread before this post when explaining I never used it, all to defend undead waifu?

Dude. Sylvanas has been butchered over the course of BFA.