Sylvanas is a Dark Ranger

She is Horde, so why does the Alliance get two races that have the customization and the Horde only get one?



Putting in my required model toggle request.

Give forsaken a model toggle to have dark ranger night elves as well as other undead races.


We are all one faction now so it’s fine

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Heck yeah! Lets go all the way…get rid of factions and combine the allied races as customizations!


Can’t make guildies of hordies.

Can’t pvp with hordoes directly (mercenary mode changes your race in random bg’s)

Can’t fo lfg/lfr with them.

We are not one faction yet.

You misspelled dank.

The high elves that were changed back when arthas took silvermoon and the night elves that she turned in darkshore thats why


diversity and inclusion is why.

Explain Void Elves.

I just did they arent void elves theyre the high elves from when arthas destroyed silvermoon and now they went back to the alliance

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Because void elves were aligned with blood elves who were cast out of the horde for experimenting with the void.

It’s all right here.

Sylvanas was indeed a dark ranger, fel she was many things, but I think we can all agree that above all else, she was a “female dog” if you catch my meaning . . .

Anywho, void elves getting the options is probably meant to be an extension of the high elf options we got. As to why we got two dark fallen races? I can’t honestly say, though I suspect quite a few folk would take issue with night elves with all their customization options being available for the horde with literally no difference what’s so ever apart from eye coloration.

This is why I don’t like “pedia’s”

Alleria Windrunner is the first mortal to succeed at defying the shadow’s whispers.

high elves or blood elves are immortal. This wasn’t written correctly.

Because before Sylvanas was Horde, she was Alliance.

Same argument could be made of the foresaken. They were Alliance until they died and turned into tiny jesus’s, then no more.


I do


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Horde littarly has an extra lore race playabe, you will be fine.

No elves are immortal anymore theyre all mortal

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And not for the first time. Doesn’t take much to get us fighting against each other again.


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