Sylvanas into a High Elf again

The sunwell is infused with a naaru so, could happen…lets start with the foresaken first, do they become calia 9000?

Wait, who took from your writing? Are you saying Blizzard copies your stories or CDPR?

I have a fan fiction I’ve been writing since 2010. It was meant as a diary about what I was doing and my thoughts on the quest I was doing in Legion. I talked about wanting to smash the naaru Xe’ra and how I thought Illidan was a predestined man child and behold we got Rejection of the Gift

I’m a long term writer and roleplayer as well and I’ve had odd coincidences pop up. The bad dude in my story for a decade has been named Uul’tchagot, who was a void creature. We just recently got an Uul’gwyneth…who is a void creature. I’ve also had weird coincidences of minor details in other games, though nothing as eye-sidey as that name/monster similarity.

Maybe they do take from fanfic, who knows!

Well I’ve been hinting at a summoner class so let hope we get it. Already posted in details it on the forums. No one seemed to like it, it was to much like Warlock.

The only bath I’d throw Sylvanas’ corpse into is the lava lake at the heart of Blackrock Mountain.

A little some I wrote from my fan fiction:

“The world isn’t wrong to fear Sylvanas for the potential that she can turn them into undead.” Nathanos explained, “But Sylvanas isn’t in the wrong for wanting to use that fear to prevent the geocide of her people. It’s that pure act of fighting against oppression that the Alliance wants, not only for us, but their own people as well, that has turned Sylvanas into a monster.

In order to survive she has had to develop a capability for malevolence and destruction necessary to fight for freedom no matter the cost. But there is no pure evil or clear hero in war, it’s a nuance children’s fantasy that winners of wars are the ones that fight the most honorably, because the end result is always the same.” Nathanos looked away and thought back, “No, it’s worst. An honorable fight, even on both sides will only result in more dead, and that means more father’s burying their children and more widows, widowers, and orphans, but, I’m not saying the Horde is right either… The world is what it always has been, and you can believe in your Light or code of honor or your moral justifications on either side, but the world is very much eat or be eaten.”

Perfectia shook her head in disagreement, “You don’t believe there could be peace? If one side wins?”

Nathanos rolled his red eyes, “Did at one point, did you believe that the Alliance were the enemies that was preventing peace from happening?”

Perfectia nodded, “Yes, of course.”

“And you also thought the same of the Horde am I right?”

Perfectia looked away ashamed and just nodded.

Nathanos flexed a slight grin on one side of his face and looked away. He looked back at Perfectia, “You were a child then. You’re still a child now, you don’t see the futility of how your acting and how pointless your actions are. You don’t know who the true enemies are, but the fact itself is that the cruel world is the enemy and in the grand scheme of things you have to fight for your own survival and stop living in your grandiose idea of killing all the completely evil enemies. Even if the Horde or the Alliance were to win, it would be completely naïve to believe the conflict would somehow end.”

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Hush, hush. I’m not trying to force you to give me any stocks or anything :wink:
We don’t need your money, just your soul. Fuel for the void!

That’s why we should always listen to Jaina.
Seize this moment, Varian. Dismantle the Horde.

Maybe in the hinted at far flung future when Anduin is leading his Army of the Light… he will channel the Sunwell’s power to resurrect Sylvanas?


Girl last time they dipped something undead into the Sunwell it exploded.

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I agree 100%

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Nobody knows for sure how the sun well would react to The banshee queen. It freaked out when Aleeria the void elf was near by. It’s very hard to see what would happen. My belief is it would purify her soul. She probably will take a sabatical and let someone else like Nathanos or Liadrin steward in her absence.

The light is no gift, young paladin.

I think the OP wanted to have Sylvanas be a living Elf again so that she can have Sylvanas be her new girlfriend buddy.

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So the thing is, everything Sylvanas does is her own will. Purify her body or not, she’s still the same person, just with living flesh. She will keep doing what she’s doing, even if she has an afterlife because of being alive, because she still leads the Forsaken and are worried for them.

I agree with your first suggestion, not the latter so much.

While I dont think the sunwell would work. I think if she were alive again she would be at least 70% less crazy making Alleria the #1 crazy oldest sister of the trio of human male lovers.

Sunwell? Nah. Launch Sylvanas into the Sun? Now that’s something I could put my vote behind!

TBH I do like the idea of Sylvanas being restored to life at some point. Killing her off seems too simple - seeing her be restored, and then having to live with all of the atrocities she’s done (not to mention actually caring about said atrocities due to being alive again and being able to feel all the feels again) feels like the crueler fate.

Particularly if at some point she’s responsible for the death of one or both of her sisters and/or sacrifices Nathanos to further her own agenda, which seems likely at some point.


That’s… that’s gonna a ‘no’ from me, dawg.