Sylvanas from BfA onwards may have been the result of a dev spat in the Cosby Suite

Easy peasy to retcon all of this.

When Sargeras threw his sword into Azeroth it unleashed a burst of titanic energy which revived a bit of C’thun which knocked all of us into a weird Void coma where the Void Lords tormented us with a vision of one of the infinite possibilities that the Void sees (i.e. BfA and SL).

Next xpac starts with us waking up in Karazhan with Khadgar looking down at us and asking if we’re okay…


I don’t think Blizz can or will do anything anyway.

Take it up with the Devs if you don’t like it. Just stop wasting my time.

I am here, but I don’t play the game. I ended my sub awhile ago, I am actually not sure how much longer Ill be able to post here lol.

The weak point of the Alliance is still stronger than the Horde? Or does that imply the Horde is superior in that way?

Seriously, dude, use your brain.

Yes they did, and they have, multiple times against this specific enemy.

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Is it ironic or strange that that was probably the longest peace in Warcraft’s modern timeline?

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The “weak point” as mentioned by the short means it is an advantage they can potentially use. And even that assumed the Horde ambushed at the high seas.

And stop ignoring the story that was establish. The entire conversation is the one reference in “the Good War” and explained the situation with both navies.

No i am taking it up with you because you are mis representing lore. The fact is the Horde has been fightin the night elven army since Vanilla(Warsong Gulch is canon as per Kalimdor book) and those guys are definately part of the night elven sentinel army. Again you are just wrong.

Good on you.

And each and everytime they went back to fighting each other the moment the big bad was gone.

We have letting them get away for so long.
Right now it seems Blizzard is willing to give anything to make the players happy.

So if everyone complains enough then Blizzard will make the story right by us.

Mhm… With their superior navy, right?

The story that was established sucks… Which is the point. Unfortunately, Blizzard’s target audience are people with same number of brain cells as you.

No, I am not. I told you where to find that lore, go look it up, watch the panel and stop whining.

And none of those times were as taxing as Legion. The Factions shouldn’t have even been capable of fronting another war, let alone one of such magnitude of the Fourth War following such a rallying victory against the most ancient enemy.

Oh Honey…


You say that but everything players have been complaining about has been coming steadily.

New ghost forms? Done.
Nightbornes fixed? Done.
New cosmetics? Done.
Less stringent game systems? Done.
And on and on.

Blizzard is in damage control. And if they have to throw us nerds some decent story decisions to make things right then they would probably do it. It won’t cost them anything.
Until now they could not be bothered to be given a crap about people’s complaints.
Gameplay and Cosmetics have been getting addressed lately… finally.
Why not story as well?

“We could not destroy Stormwind with a direct assault, not on land. We do not have enough ships to move our armies to Elwynn Forest without being challenged.” Saurfang tapped on the ocean just off Stormwind’s coast. The disastrous attack on the Broken Shore had left one possible approach, but it would be nearly impossible to exploit. “The Alliance’s navy is still their weak point. Ours could catch theirs by surprise. Maybe our fleet could take the docks. But we wouldn’t take the city.”

The Horde’s fleet had been battered, too. Even if they could overwhelm the Alliance fleet—debatable at best—they would still have the same problem as a land‐based approach: not enough ships to transport a suitable ground force to take and hold the city. Any landing assault in Stormwind would fail. “They would take their defenses off the walls and send them to the port, pushing us off,” he concluded.

I dislike alot of things about Warcraft story. Having said that I know this is suppose to be comic book level story telling and seeing someone complain it is not on the level of say the Illiad or whatever seem like a problem with that specific reader and not anyone else.

And I am telling you there plenty of lore after that that directly contradicts it. (Again the new Kalimdor book for one).

Warcraft will always have enough armies to keep having more wars. This is just needed to keep the story progessing. Sure we need to suspend our disbelief but that is one of the only for the story to keep progessing without constantly needing time skips.

Also, while the Legion is one of their greatest enemies, arguably the other factions has always felt like a greater enemy. And minus the draenei/night elves are consider their “ancient enemy”. Quick trivia, the french version of Daughter of the sea even has a line that say the Horde is the “ancestral enemy” of Kul Tiras.

It’s all theories, but it wouldn’t shock me if that turned out to be true.


… So the Horde navy is superior…

Just because you have low standards doesn’t mean everyone else should.

And you would be wrong.
:point_right: :sunglasses: :point_right:

And that is bad world building.


You know that was a meme, right?

That was specifically directed at Afrasiabi, not Sylvanas critics. There are a great many things people can critique about Sylvanas’ writing. Afrasiabi specifically responded to critics of WoT by claiming that Sylvanas has always been a villain, and her actions were not out of character, he then went on to sloppily retcon or reveal (unofficially) that she was indeed behind the Wrathgate.

You know, I really do not buy this whole “the suits made me do it” line.

I do think marketing said something like “Sylvanas drives a ton of engagement, put her in more”.

They definitely do have to deal with the art and game teams; but not marketing ordering something as crazy as “hey, make Sylvanas burn Teldrassil”. That’s giving marketing way too much credit.

TBH, in hindsight, it was crazy he was ever in the story team. That was not what his hire was for; he and Kaplan were EQ raiders brought on for endgame development.

(On the topic of which, as a Vanilla raider, I did not leave Vanilla with good feelings for them as developers. There was a lot of lying going on back then.)

It was probably intended to be an entirely different plot-point that got co-opted. Why-oh-why were there Naga in the Warfront and zone? Teehee.

My guess is they intended the Factions to fight and have - “surprise” - the Naga appear and burn the tree in the chaos. Both sides blame each other and then boom we’re up to Undercity; where the irrational naval siege was actually supposed to be the Naga getting Xal’atath in the confusion of the Horde and Alliance fighting like fools.


He bragged about his being the guy the game team tapped for when they wanted to get the faction war going again and insert violence into the narrative

which uh

dunno man

mayhaps a red flag???

Maybe the guy whose sole mission/vision for the game is “make the Horde evil”, “villain-bat or make crazy the women”, and “demonize the POC-based races” 100% of the time has other issues???

But hey, Metzen said he hadn’t worked with Afrasiabi since Wrath in the wake of the lawsuit so lmao


It did nothing of the sort. Even if we accept that the inflection of VAs and the artistic license of animators in a last minute cinematic doesn’t somewhat adulterate the intentions of writers or Cdev directors, the cinematic only shows Sylvanas shouting an order, with a Cruella DeVille facial expression. It tells us nothing of her motivation. For those we need to turn to the transnarrative. Those insights are reserved for those who give a crap enough to delve further.

That isnt what AGW says either. Without the psychological wound of Malfurions death, or even a non-miraculous escape coupled with a Darnassian occupation, the predictable course of events would have been more than Anduin could manage. The miraculous rescue of Malfurion by his lover was the kind of propaganda blessing the Alliance would need to rally around. It was no longer an acceptable probability that the Alliance would be unable or unwilling to rally to retake Darkshore (which they did). Holding Darnassus had no strategic value but to protect Undercity. Once Sylvanas decided to sacrifice Undercity in a Queen’s Gambit, she needed to lose Teldrassil to make it happen. That’s the strategic reason to burn Teldrassil. To get the Alliance to hit UC.

Well I wouldnt totally say it was a “peaceful” time. I mean there was still the whole"Cycle of Hatred" book in between Warcraft 3/Vanilla.

Again showing how short and reprieve from war is for the denizens of Azeroth. Bonus that it was due to the Legion.

Or we can all just wait until March and just see if Blizzard will actual salvage this mess or not.

Never actually read Cycle of Hatred but the basic synopsis seems to suggest that there wasn’t any actual faction fighting happening, just tensions.

They won’t. At best they move on. This was a messy period in Blizzard history. The story has been so wrecked by constant direction changes there has been a great deal of trust lost between the author and the reader. There is no chekov’s gun I am waiting to see come off the shelf, there is no forshafowing I am looking to see fulfilled. At this point I am playing WoW like people play LoL, ignoring the fact that there is even a runeterra full of legends.


This actually would make more sense. You wouldnt get Saurfang’s old soldier story, but it would be really good.

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