Sylvanas for the greater good PROOF!

so heres a description by blizzard on the new sylvanas statue
“She had no control over her own destiny as nearly her whole existence was in the service of others. She joined the rangers and rose to the level of Ranger-General of Silvermoon. She has experienced three deaths and suffered many betrayals by underlings. She is all alone and eager to reunite with her sister, but lack of understanding and hostility forced her to become cold-bloodedly decisive, determined and ruthless. However, she contributed so much to the whole of Azeroth that the title of ‘queen’ is suitable for her and well-deserved. She is Sylvanas!”

really sounds like everything she done was for the greater good and might not really care if we kill her. IF we kill her the story will probably make us feel bad when we realise she had to do everything she done because ppl wouldn’t just do what she wanted and that we were all to dumb to actually help the world i mean come on we defeat n’zoth and Magni is all “oh champion the world is perfectly fine and safe now”… like what about the planet dying due to the huge sword… did you Azeroth’s speaker REALLY think it is safe now because that sword is stil lthere but N’zoth is gone… N’zoth would not have let Azeroth die because he would die too… parasites cannot live if the host dies…


Nowhere in that paragraph did it say that she is a good guy. It also said she lived her whole life in service of others which she is still doing now, just the Jailer holds the leash now.


Lock her up!

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Sylvanas is Sephiroth


I was expecting this to be a Lithania post, was disappointed.

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Yeah I am not gonna feel bad when we kill her and she suffers for eternity in the Maw.

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she is all alone

but lack of understanding and hostility forced her to become cold-bloodedly decisive

she contributed so much to the whole of Azeroth that the title of ‘queen’ is suitable for her and well-deserved

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She’s not all alone she has Nathanos lol


theres spoilers in the description

1 of her sisters died

nathanos dies (even datamined tht hes a killable boss fight)

she is freeing herself and everyone else based on what happens in shadowlands… so far it looks like ppl of azeroth are either in hell, shunned from peace in bastion like uther who is bassically a dark fallen angel there or in a hellish land of maldraxxas as soldiers.

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You’re assuming he won’t go “That’s the fate that waits for me? Nope. Sorry, babe. But … chains just aren’t my thing. You understand, right?”

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Nathanos dies? Well I’m sure tons of people will be happy to kill that boss


You mean, plagued massive chunks of land? That’s not a contribution. That’s a detriment.

You mean her attempts to dominate the Golden Valkyr which would have corrupted the entire spiritual system? Something undead having control over the spiritual realm would indeed corrupt things. In a negative way. It’s not called the Curse of Undeath for nothing. If you didn’t know, Curses are bad mojo.

Oh, and the title of Queen doesn’t automatically mean you’re good. There are many tyrannical queens in stories over the centuries.


you alliance think ur so good… lol… ur king is easily void corrupted…

she had a deal with helya and basically helya is the way she is because odyn is evil as hell and forced her down there so sylvanas and helya working together is bassically 2 slaves trying to free themselves and their ppl until sylvanas gave up on everyone since there were too many traitors.


She’s done far to much to be redeemed

And it would be the dumbest writing blizz has ever done if she does get a redemption.


she doesn’t need to be “redeemed” to the simple minded…

her loyalists know that theres a reason for everything people are not “just cuzzzzzzzz”

The only thing sylvanas is getting, is her head removed from her shoulder, and shoved on a pike, in the center of orgrimmar, as an example made to all.

Though that would be too easy for her imho.


I hope you realize that just because she is doing this for the “greater good” does not make her good . Tons of villains in media do what they do for the “greater good”. All her story is a worse retelling of Thanos story.


Also there is the fact that “for the greater good” isn’t always for the greater good. People get their perceptions twisted and think that mass murder is perfectly fine … because its all for the greater good.

There were American Scientists who said that unless we enact some means of controlling population, that we’d run into starvation on a planetary scale … before 1980 (if memory serves me, don’t quote me on the exact year). They quite simply didn’t do their research, and even in spite of evidence to the contrary, they refused to admit they were wrong.

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But what about her emails?

I like Warchiefs who weren’t captured.

Which is why I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard does that.

I’ve wondered why we are drawn to stories involving royalty, drawn to idolatry of royalty, when history shows what they are so often like.