Either she dies or is made the Queen of the Maw. Death or Vindication, preferably death.
I just has a horrible idea while typing that. Blizz could go through with redeeming Arthas as someone who was controlled and his actions were not his own. Sylvanas could learn of this and forgive Arthas purging her hatred for him after all these years. Then Arthas and Sylvanas become King and Queen of the Maw…
The worst part about that is I’m sure there will be a lot of support from players, you know, the Twilight/Tumblr/Furry kind.
I’m convinced it’s just one person at this point lol.
Well given what Blizzard has previously stated about Sylvanas, there are 2 possibilities for her fate:
Redemption and she remains in the spotlight for even more expansions
Redemption without remaining in the spotlight
Both of these are awful as they deny the victims of Sylvanas crimes and closure, but these are also the only possible outcomes, and I personally think it will be #1
When a fanbase builds up a strong feeling towards a character, no matter if that feeling is hate or love (in this case both), then it means the character is written very successfully.
Many will argue, but Sylvanas is a very successfully written character. Her methods are questionable and not so gray, and that’s what makes her successful.
I know every other Worgen and Night elf player wants her dead, but the game needs characters like Sylvanas. (although they wrote her way too villainy as of late) still the game needs characters that people are divided over.
Lets look at Anduin for example, a boring character, although he doesn’t commit atrocities, still people hate him cause he is boring.
Too much screen time for any character will build hate towards since people will want to see their own favorites.
In short, Sylvanas probably wont be the center of the next expansion or even the later on releases of SL. But very very unlikely that Blizzard will kill a character that has such a huge fanbase. Killing such character leaves a void in the game, not mentioning the rows of people quitting due to their favorite character dying.
I’ve been a Sylvanas fan since WC3 when she was just a few polygons.
See I don’t agree with that. Genocide isn’t the answer to breaking your enemies. It’s the quickest and laziest way but not the correct way. The Night Elves were defeated. She used the flimsy pretext of one dying Elf’s words to engage in something far beyond what was necessary.
It’s okay to disagree, it’s the beauty of of what factions and races are. (imho even a single faction’s races should have inner issues, like how the night elves don’t agree with the humans).
as for her raging after a few words said by a defeated opponent (happened twice now). Yeah, that’s horrible writing there.
@Aviala made a great post on the “I Feel Lied To” thread about the difference between characters you love to hate and characters you just hate, and the problems Blizzard has caused by messing up the two. It’s long, but I strongly recommend checking it out.
This isn’t about them. It is about the story as a whole. There is no way to redeem Sylvanas in a way that would even approach being a satisfactory narrative. And that is by design of the story so far.
They may still attempt it, but it won’t be an enjoyable experience for anyone who cares about the story of the game.
Anyone else a wee bit weirded out that a lot of the arguments for “redeeming” Sylvanas seems to revolve around “she’s popular”. God, its like why they killed off Vol’jin all over again. The essential argument here seems to be “because a lot of people who don’t care about the story think she’s cool looking she should be redeemed”. Look, like Sylvanas all you want … but damned is that a bad argument. Especially since you cannot validate her actions at this point without invalidating every single character, faction, and ideal opposing her.
What part of the narrative has been satisfying in the last two years? Killing off Sylvanas is also an unsatisfying narrative for many, many players. The entire narrative of BfA is unsatisfying.
Saying “redeeming Sylvanas makes the narrative unsatisfying” is an arbitrary delineation that is completely fueled by bias.
This is a B movie comic book story, redeeming Sylvanas isn’t even the dumbest thing they’ve written this month. Remember Anduin getting yoinked?
The narrative being trash isn’t an excuse for it to continue being trash. Just because you get served crap for breakfast doesn’t mean you need to smile and go “Oh well, guess I’ll had crap tonight too.”
Besides, you’re arguing with me as if I can actually decide if Sylvanas lives or dies. I can’t. My post was why, from the perspective of a writer, Sylvanas’ redemption cannot happen.
Obviously it can happen from the perspective of a soulless corporation milking people for money. Hopefully if it happens those of us who value good story telling will simply drop the game like the bad habit it is and give our money to a more deserving soulless corporation.
So because a few people are calling for the Horde to be deleted, you want to deny all of us Alliance players any kind of catharsis to our story? How very kind of you.
The alliance player base isn’t a hive mind and we all don’t want the same thing from the story. People need stop with this notion that all alliance players want the same thing. Revenge for Teldrassil would be nice, but let’s be realistic, it’s not going to happen. It’s been 10+ yrs and they refuse to do anything with Gilneas, what makes you think they will do something about Teldrassil?
Realistically speaking? Blizz is mostly likely going to keep her alive, but write her out of the story for a few years, so they can bring her back later on should they need to. And knowing Blizz? There’s a extremely high chance she will not only go unpunished, but be justified in the end. I hope not, but my faith in blizz isn’t that great when it comes to their precious waifu.
I actually doubt it, for the simple reason everyone else would be wrong if she was right. It would also break strongly with the wow motto of “the ends do not justify the means”.
Kerrigan from Starcraft. They done it already. That’s all I say. You’re overestimating blizzards willingless to openly lie to it’s player base. They done that before too, many times.