Sylvanas fans: Would you approve of her methods IRL?

Azuremyst Isle? No—there was only one true center of Alliance military power, where forces were staged and could be projected to the rest of the continent. “Darnassus,” he breathed. “Teldrassil, the World Tree. Warchief, even if it is possible—”

Is it possible?” she said. “If we marched an army to Darkshore to take the World Tree, would the Alliance be able to stop us?

No. Not if the attack caught them by surprise. Not if the Horde could avoid getting bogged down in Ashenvale . . .

“High Overlord,” Sylvanas pressed, “speak your mind. Is it possible?

“It is possible,” Saurfang said slowly, “but not without serious consequences.”


“We would win one battle, not the war,” Saurfang said. “If we shift the balance of power, the Alliance will respond in kind. Our nations in the Eastern Kingdoms would be vulnerable to retaliation.”

“Especially mine,” Sylvanas said.

He was glad she had said it instead of him. What target would Greymane demand the Alliance attack but Sylvanas’s seat of power? “I do not know if we can protect the Undercity, not while the Alliance is united against us.”

“And what if they were not?” Sylvanas smiled again. “What if they were divided?

Then the Horde wins. “How would that happen? If we launch a sneak attack on the night elves’ home, the entire Alliance will seek vengeance.”

“At first, yes. They will be furious, united against our aggression,” she said. “But what will the night elves want more than anything? They will demand that the Alliance help retake their conquered home.”

But the Alliance will not have the strength, not in Kalimdor, not with their fleets.

Again. She had done it again. She had opened his mind to a new possibility, and the world shifted under his feet. The strategic implications spun out before him like the Maelstrom. “It will take years before they can even consider retaking Darnassus.”

“You understand, High Overlord,” Sylvanas said. “Think it through. What happens next?

“They might try to conquer the Undercity . . . but Darnassus becomes our hostage against that. The night elves will not allow your city to fall if they fear it means you will destroy theirs . The same goes for a strike against Silvermoon.” Saurfang’s thoughts raced. She’s right. This could work. “And even if the Alliance agrees to retake Darnassus . . . The Gilneans!”

Sylvanas’s eyes disappeared beneath the edge of her hood. “They lost their nation years ago. The Gilneans will be furious if the Alliance acts to help the kaldorei first,” she said. “The boy in Stormwind will have a political crisis on his hands. He is smart, but he is not experienced. What happens when Genn Greymane, Malfurion Stormrage, and Tyrande Whisperwind all demand differing actions? He is not a high king like his father. The respect the others give him is a courtesy, not an obligation. Anduin Wrynn will rapidly become a leader who cannot act. If the Alliance will not march as one, each nation will act in its own interest. Each army will return home to protect their lands from us.”

“And that is how you defeat Stormwind.” Saurfang was in awe. It was brilliant . Destroying the Alliance wouldn’t take a thousand victories. It would take one. With a single strategic push, the pressure on the Alliance would cripple them for years,

The Night Elves were attacked as an attempt to destabilize the Alliance and defeat them in a single battle.

So, again, your nonsense about whether or not there was Azerite on Teldrassil is completely irrelevant

Bruv, come ON, there are lots of things in Japanese anime and manga which are pretty gory (at least to people in USA), but lots of people still like Japan so…I can’t think of Japanese supervillains except maybe Godzilla who are that popular in western countries though admittedly, so again it’s a “who knows?” kind of thing

Yes that was the plan from the start, but the passage was irrelevant to the ethics of storing military assets amongst a civilian population. It also doesn’t speak to genocide or the torching Teldrassil. but I do admire your tenacity in trying to prove a point. Why not post the whole novella next time. I for one have better things to do.

Which is completely irrelevant to the entirety of the War of Thorns.

You were the one questioning whether the mass murder of a civilian population qualifies as genocide, and when proven wrong you brought out “oh your too touchy”

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… and that passage proves the torching Teldrassil was never part of the plan for War of the Thorns either. Does that make it irrelevant? This will just go in circles and I can tell you will never give up so, it’s over…

This was your full post.

First you question whether the mass murder of a civilian population qualifies as Genocide (it does).

Then you try to claim that “the Alliance kind of make it a military target by stockpiling Azerite there” which is completely irrelevant becasue Sylvanas’ decision to burn Teldrassil had literally nothing to do with whether or not there was Azerite on Teldrassil.

Probably not.

Annoying when people refuse to admit such things.

From Merriam-Webster:


geno·​cide | \ ˈje-nə-ˌsīd \

Definition of genocide

: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group

Sorry, but I don’t really see Teldrassil fitting the bill… can we please stop the genocide rhetoric.

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oh no the dictionary is out


I believe the UN includes “in whole or in part”, so If the attack was meant to ‘cause a wound that would never heal’ by way of ‘the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group, in whole or in part’ it would seem to fit the bill.

EDIT: spelling

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I guess it all depend on whose authority you appeall to, the UN, Merriam-Webster, the Old Gods…

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Bro you know the answer to this question and it is a resounding yes. Yes they would. In fact they probably already do lmao. Supporting U$ imperialism and stuff.

Lawl talk about baseless assumptions. I suppose following that logic all people who enjoy Sylvanas are Trump supporters.


This will go fun places.

You mean like paying $180+ a year to a U$ megacorp to play their video game?

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You said it not me my bro. But nah I don’t actually seriously think all fans of Sylvanas are this or that politically I was teasing but also pointing out the hegemony of the evil empire and its domination over the minds of all the fans here, regardless of what faction they play and love.

Hey bro we’re all trapped in hell together but I’d agree quitting the game is the best solution to all our complaints!

So it gets touchy if we contest your perspective of the story? This is a running theme I am seeing with camp Sylvanas/pro-Forsaken posters.

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I wonder how many are tbh, anything is possible these days XD

Use google because there are two versions of the character, both filled with spoilers.