Sylvanas: Eternal torment

This. Sylvanas is not staying in the Maw permanently; she’s staying there to collect every last soul there until the only one left is her. Anyone claiming otherwise is just spouting fanfiction & headcanon.


This is cope.

She’s never coming back.

All jokes aside… Thoradin sounds like a cool character. The Alliance deserves some more interesting characters, and I hope we don’t kill him off.

EDIT: Unless he’s undead, then Forsaken are calling dibs, even if he is evil… and maybe, especially if he’s evil.

Tyrande then decided on Sylvanas’ fate: she declared that she would begin her penance by scouring the Maw, freeing all of its trapped souls and sending them back to the Arbiter so they could be judged with compassion, until every last soul was free and Sylvanas herself was all that remained. All the while, she would be watched by Tyrande’s companion Dori’thur. This, Tyrande added, was how Sylvanas would bring renewal to her victims and to the night elves. Sylvanas accepted this and vowed that it would be done, no matter how long it took. After exchanging a last look with Alleria and Vereesa, she jumped into the Maw alongside Dori’thur to begin her work.

For the actual text in question.
h ttps://

Only time will tell – of all the characters to be brought back I’m not exactly sitting with bated breath waiting for her specifically, but only time will tell.

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Why did the mods move this to Lore?

I’ve never posted in Lore before… this means I’m a nerd now :cry:

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The issue is that Sylvanas as a character is the ship of theseus; just constantly being changed to be whatever the plot needed her to be at that moment.

Spymaster, Resiliant survivor, voice of cold reason, brilliant tactician, cold psychopath, Raging warcriminal… They were too all over the place with this character and as a result by the end I just wanted her dead and gone so that we could close the book on her and not have to watch the writers treat her like a box of balloon party tricks.

“Sometimes, Dead is better”

~Jud Crandall, pet semetary.

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And once again Blom forces an overworked mod to move a thread he should’ve put in the right forum section to begin with.


Who said I was? They had been ruining Sylvanas since Cataclysm.


It would be great if instead of banning users they instead paid a nun to follow the poster around for the duration just wailing on that bell and chanting shame wherever they go. Even better when other people who get irritated by this learn the reason for it and start joining in on the shame chant.


Because the OP was RPing in the first message. So it was moved to the fan fic forum where it belongs.


On the subject of “fan fiction”, I may have taken a stab at it as I was inspired by Blom.

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I’m going based on the Sylvanas that predates Warcraft III. You don’t become Ranger General by being a cry in your wine type. You don’t break away from the Lich King by crying in your wine. You don’t organize the undead, lead battles, take over the Horde then become the first lieutenant of Old Scratch himself by crying in your wine.

I don’t think she is going to start crying now.

Even the strong cry, have moments of weakness and self doubt. Sylvanas is crying in the wine, then she gets back up and goes to work. Having her remain cocky and self assured in the face of what turned out to be a massive amount of poor judgement would make her poorly written. Drinking wine and patting herself on the back for destroying countless lives and even souls would be disgusting. Now if she was going full on villain then it would fit.

I don’t think her writing could get much worse.

Revendreth had redeemed characters that had far more blood and sin on their shoulders than Sylvannas. At least one of the Champion’s allies was a world-killer in thier mortal life.

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…And then one day, after years of dying a slow death by a thousand cuts in obscurity… the focus of Sylvanas Windrunner, which was once legendary, finally wavered. It was only for a moment. It only was a fraction of a second, but that was all it took for the Maw to claim it’s vengeance.

Before Sylvanas knew it, a pair of axes clove into her from behind, before being torn free with expert precision. Sylvanas screamed in pain and turned as a massive Mawsworn soldier from Torghast loomed over her, proud and defiant against the battered hellscape of the Maw.

It’s face was unrecognizable through the black haze that it seemed all of these fallen warriors wore… Yet as it spoke. Sylvanas pain gave way to terror and fear. She recognized the voice. The biting wit. It had been… softer when they had lived, but now it was hollow, like the Maw. It was devoid of anything save anger, contempt for the living; and like all Forsaken… a terrible need for vengeance.

The Mawsworn spoke, it’s voice as harsh as the stones and spires of the Tremaculum. "Hmph! …Oh don’t look so surprised. After all… “you” saved me from a mindless existence once. I am merely returning the favor. Consider my debt repaid… “Warchief”.

And with that, Nathanos Blightcaller performed one final act of service for the Banshee Queen.

-The End

After reading the thread I couldn’t help but give Nathanos some much needed closure, and this just ‘felt’ like the sort of thing he’d do. If Blizzard uses this idea or someday brings Sylvanas back, I’ll be happy with either scenario. That said, I do wish I knew what happened to one of my favorite NPCs! Some of us liked Mr. Blightcaller’s biting wit and miss him hard checking the self-proclaimed “Heroes” of the Horde. :frowning:

You truly don’t know either character.

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Ok. But neither do you. No one does except the writers.

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I pay attention to how the characters are portrayed in game and in the material. Blom ignores the aspects that don’t fit the twisted narrative he writes

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After she dismissed him following his failure to kill Bwonsamdi, you can hear his extreme contempt for the Jailer. Honestly, I don’t think Nathanos is actually in love with Sylvanas any longer. He serves her for a different reason, but the intimacy and attraction for both, is likely as dead as they are.

When Nathanos was alive? Sure. Infatuated, absolutely. Sylvanas was a really good flirt in life. But now… Nah, I think it’s more of a mutual respect for each other. They have a tie that has been twisted by death and turned into a sort of parasitic and toxic relationship, but one which neither is willing to let go of, because they are each other’s anchors in a fashion. Sylvanas needs Nathanos, and he needs her. Their rivalry is part of what gives them motivation in undeath.

I think after they died it became warped like Undeath does to people. Their relationship became a more twisted “simply following the status quo”, and he took the new body only for the purpose of being better at his job which is to kill indiscriminately for Sylvanas. He also gets very angry when someone else intrudes on ‘his’ territory.

You can see this especially when Tyrande is about to kill him. You can hear the rage and jealousy in his voice during the cinematic with ease. Nathanos clearly resents that she is “with him”. Sure, he wants to die to go be with her.

…Yet Nathanos never seemed to arrive. So I think given what happened to Arthas and Thermaplugg, it makes a strong case he was saved for leverage or perhaps had his mind suppressed as a Mawsworn. The Jailer dying could explain him remembering his past. But regardless, Nathanos is kinda stuck in the Maw now.

So no, I can see a scenario where if Sylvanas was worn down over centuries of hunting for souls, and was about to become a mindless undead, or simply stated had lost her spark as it were. Nathanos would be the one to find her, and end her. It would be in his mind a mix of mercy, dominance, and a final “I’m better than you” now, but probably also tinged with regret and him shortly after throwing himself off the edge of Torghast. Much like she was the one who liberated him from the Scourge, he seems the best candidate to liberate her.

It’s a shame we never got an answer on where he went. I liked that he was so dismissive of players.

As for all the rest, I don’t know Blom from anyone else. Seemed interesting so I wrote. Nothing more.