Sylvanas: Eternal torment

She’ll be back when Teldrasil and all the night elf civilians genocided there are back.

The night elf civilians were used (souls anyway) to create the seed for Amirdrassil. So in a way they are back. And she’ll be back before Teldrassil. And as far as Teldrassil, it’ll probably be back in the books before the game. They like updating things in lore before they update them in game.

Case in point, Silvermoon was already being repaired in the books before they even announced Midnight.

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Amirdrassil isn’t in any way associated with or a replacement for Teldrassil.

One was a Night Elf capitol, one is a neutral town not located anywhere on Azeroth.

I didn’t say it was.

Right, that has nothing to do with what I said. And Amirdrassil was moved to the physical plane of Azeroth. It becomes Belameth.

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And then Sylvanas tripped on a rock and exploded. The End.

Yeah, I say free their souls. There’s always more Night Elves to kill and trees to burn. And if we ever want to absolve ourselves of our supposed sins, we just go to the maw and free a few of them of the torment that we put them in… and repeat the process.

All the souls of the Night Elves that died at Teldrassil were empowered into Amirdrassil’s Seed and they are now part of Amirdrassil. They chose this fate at the end of Shadowlands.


I don’t think Calia will be doing any tree burning, and Sylvanas is never leaving the maw.

What a horrible fate when you think about it. They were used like a battery to grow a tree, when literally everyone else gets to live for eternity in happiness and bliss… but not the Night Elves. they became a battery for a tree.

They never said Sylvanas is never leaving the Maw. They said she can’t leave until each soul is returned to their rightful place. It’s been a few years now. Will probably be a year or two more before she comes back. She’ll have completed her Maw dailies by then. It didn’t take us that long.

And Calia is an usurper. An Alliance plant. Throw her into a volcano and be done with it.


We did get a story where the souls agreed to this in SL. So they did offer themselves.

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Not really, they chose it. They were given the option to empower the seed and help bring a new home to their people, or remain in Ardenweald. They chose to help their people. We also don’t know for sure if they can travel around the tree in the form of wisps.

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Do you remember that scene in Game of Thrones where Alister Thorne tells Jon Snow that he will rest now, while Jon Snow will keep fighting forever?

That’s Arthas and Sylvanas. Arthas’ torment is over, but Sylvanas’ will continue for eternity. A fitting punishment for a soul so dark.

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Both killed innocents. Neither really deserve peace. But Sylvanas is at least interesting. And there is hope that she will turn back into herself post domination.

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I want whatever these Horde are smoking tbh.

Bringing Vol’Jin back has given them false hope but we are likely to get Varian back before they ever get Sylvanas back.

We just actually paid attention to the story.


Can’t wait for Anduin Lothar to come back next xpac

You instead get one of his maybe distant relatives.

mfw were getting Thoradin

You “paid attention to the story”, sure bro, that’s why you were all Pikachu-faced when Sylvanas pulled a “Gilneas and Southshore” on Teldrassil. :rofl: