Sylvanas end goal is Arthas

sylvanas is a hero, we’re just too dumb to understand her


If we free Arthas and he gets redeemed by helping us kill Sylvanis, I am going to die laughing. He can come back undead and help his sister lead the Forsaken :joy:. I will prepay for your next xpac Blizz if you do it

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She could. Should could beg acceptance from the Light, beg the Naaru to become a Lightforged undead and back the Alliance 100%.

Baring that, she should be smited as the unclean, filthy undead she is.

Maybe she just wants to bang?

No I think as someone pointed out OP, this is more about being stuck and just wanting to tear everything down and kind of in a way, put everyone on her level. She is in it for herself and herself only. To escape death and what awaits.

I always have wanted that ever since Shadowlands rumors popped up. It’d feel like coming full circle as Sylvanas (I think) saying something along the lines of she’ll never be Arthas. To now almost being like Arthas.

Arthas finishing her off in some grand fashion would help that go full circle and would have him get out of the Maw as a sign of redemption.

Though that’d leave the Jailer who has a personal vendetta it seems against his ousters so it’s a tough call how this will go apart from peoples’ expectation of Sylvanas being a savior which I doubt this time around.

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I don’t think it needs to go that far. I think if she were confronted with Arthas and then reflected on all of her actions up to that point, and thus was forced to accept that she had become that which she most despises, that it’d be the turning point for her character.

Arthas’ story is complete. As much as I’d like to see something for him in the Shadowlands, we’ve been told they don’t intend for him to have any kind of significant role outside of cameos.

I just can’t stand her anymore lol.

Meh I don’t think she deserves any self-reflection anymore. This is bound to have some cheesy as hell ending or they’ll not kill her off and have her escape into the void for a later date.

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They remain lock in their triad of love and hate that all but consumed them, even in death :frowning:

She has no reason to pursue Arthas soul. It wasn’t Arthas killed her. Corrupted and controlled by LK death knight is not Arthas, he had no free will.

She already found Arthas in the .aw and he was pathetic.

From the story Edge of Night, after she died when leaping off ice crown citadel:

“She sensed a familiar presence. Recognized it. The taunting voice that had once held her in its grasp. Arthas? Arthas Menethil? Here? His essence rushed to her, desperate, then shrank away in horrified recognition. The boy who would be Lich King. Just a scared little blond child, reaping the aftermath of a lifetime of mistakes. If any part of Sylvanas’s soul were not at that moment torn and tormented, she might have even felt—for the first time—the slightest glimmer of pity for him.”

Its “Break those chains that bind you.”
One night will remind you, how we touched and went our separate ways!

Meh fave band.

Yes. The ones who died are the weak ones.

I was alive an killing alliance soldiers, that’s good to me.

Silly banshee, let her come to me!

This is an incredibly goofy theory with no real merit. It also speaks to Sylvanas’s utter garbage-ness as a leader.

A threat that is affecting the afterlife of all living things on the planet is a threat that every living thing would be united in addressing. Even if she didn’t think to tell the Alliance about it (and honestly, Anduin would have been pushing hard to get Team Blue™ mobilized and ready to push into the Shadowlands to address such a problem), why didn’t she reveal this great master plan to anyone on Team Red™?

She was the Warchief, her words would carry a lot of weight. Yet she just couldn’t find the sentence, “A threat has appeared in the afterlife that is causing harm to all souls sent there. I’ve seen it when I died at ICC. We need to take care of this.” You really think the spiritually-sensitive Horde would have just let this slide?

Also, can she even close the link between reality and the afterlife? It seems like she just broke the artifact because the Jailer told her ‘it’ll totes work babe, trust me’. Now the barrier is rent and the whole thing’s open for business.

She’s a bad leader, a warmonger, a murderer, and an existential threat to the entirety of Azeroth. It’ll be a good day when we put her corpse in the dirt and make sure it stays there.


That might be the case but thats not how she would see it until actually be confronted with the non lich king arthas. Her last memory of him is still as the Lich King and the boy that tormented her soul when she threw her self of ICC.

Writing got so bad that she might be that stupid actually

Well those Windrunner sisters are all about that human potential… Maybe this is why Nathanos is always so salty.

Oh I believe she wanted to get him 1 on 1 again, but probably behind closed doors. She just oozes “frustration” & doesn’t look like her puppy dog Nathanos can satisfy that frustration.

You’re alive due to plot contrivance, not due to any “innate” quality, in fact from a lore stand point you technically do not exist in the game universe…We simply are stand-ins for someone else.

Which is stupid.

Arthas was not a “little boy”. He had a very natural descent into darkness. He is a dark mirror of Illidan and to extent Kael’thas - he saw evil in the world, he saw inaction in response to that evil, and having an extremely strong sense of justice, he felt it was duty to correct that evil no matter the cost. He didn’t purge Stratholme on a whim - he saw what had befallen his people when the plague festered elsewhere and he acted in the way that someone who believe only they were qualified to act could.

And let’s be real here, he was partially right. What drove him over the edge was his two closest friends betraying him in a crucial moment. Stratholme absolutely did need to be purged. Uther is an idiot and Jaian was naive. Uther seems too stubborn about his view of the Light to have ever helped Arthas, but if Jaina had stayed by Arthas’s side she could have prevented his fall. The entire Third War would have been averted if Jaina just “manned up” so to speak.

The real child is Sylvanas, at least that is the way she was meant to be written. Her elven arrogance was crushed by the harsh reality of Death Knight Arthas and his legions. She begged for the sweet release of death and Arthas told her “no”. Ever since then, she has been a bitter loser. This 5D Chess Sylvanas BS is a total travesty and rejects the foundation of how her character was written - she is based on “Starscream”, the perpetual #2 and constant loser.

Somehow, for an unknown reason, a hate-mongering genocidal maniac became the poster child for a PC type push in Blizzard. Absolutely blows my mind that this was allowed to happen. Of all the characters to turn into an “empowered heroine” (which is totally fine by the way if you do it in a natural way) and they choose Sylvanas. I don’t get it at all TBH. Nothing about her is good. It’s like when the GoT marketing folks turned Kalassei this big empowered heroine and then the reality of who her character truly was had to come to the front and all the work put in on that front was torn down. There are legitimately children named after a genocidal dictator in real life now.

Getting off-topic a bit there. Point is, Arthas is not supposed to be weak. Just because, while literally mortally wounded, he looked for kindness from his father (who he killed against his own will by the way - Ner’zhul compelled him via Frostmourne) doesn’t mean that his motivations up towards picking up Frostmourne were lacking. He meant to the things he did. He had far stronger will than just about any other character short of Illidan.