11/06/2018 01:15 PMPosted by GrandbladeAlso, fail to notice that Azerite is literally sprouting up everywhere, and destroying one port only mildly inconveniences the Alliance's ability to collect it.I fail to see how Malfurion living makes occupying the tree a non-option. Even if the Kaldorei were inspired, they were still subjected.11/06/2018 12:21 PMPosted by Nincarobecause its the only remaining way to "win" the war that she could no longer pull out of
I mean, in all fairness, "occupy an island-city that is a tree, while the most powerful druid in the world is skulking around trying to kick you out" is a tall order... but one that is made far, far easier by the presence and diplomatic application of a new, unstable, and highly flammable substance that you're already got the leg up on weaponizing.
It would have made for a much better story, too. We'd get to see an actual occupation, for once, instead of treating extermination like the only option. Alliance quests to undermine the occupation while toeing the line enough that the Horde doesn't declare it a loss and blow the Azerite charges! Horde quests to root out insurgent Kaldorei and punish occupying troops that go overboard! Peons trying to figure out how to harvest lumber from the walls!
I actually really wanted to see a debate between two peons, hanging from harnesses as they carve planks off the sides of Teldrassil, of whether they were chopping trees or mining for wood.
Anyway, if they needed to escalate, then yes, let the resistance have their win. Drive the Horde from Teldrassil... only to find that Sylvanas wasn't bluffing. "I warned them, but they wouldn't give up" is a much better justification than "They gave up, but I think they might change their minds one day," and would have let us cling to some shreds of pride going into Lordaeron.