Sylvanas bow

If it’s difficult to balance, could just make it change projectile shots into purple effects, fitting for dark rangers.

Could be a learned effect like green fire for warlocks too.


That would be pretty awesome. I don’t think balancing it will be much of an issue but man is that such a great idea, and it’s the perfect opportunity too.


Is this a pre-emptive nerf hunters thread?

i want it to drop, and i want housing only so that i have the opportunity to hang this bow above my mantlepiece forever. as a reminder of the awful story she inflicted on us


What was the effect they changed?

Wonder how many hunters we’ll see on RWF guilds since the unique Sylvanas drops are specific to that class alone.

Thanks. Looks cool, an effect on the arrow like Sylvanas has would be neat. Wish I could experience this next raid, looks interesting.

“Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit my hunter”

Dunno, but I think this change is kind of dumb. The original effect would have given Venthyr the leg up it needed to be competitive. Now, not so much.

I’m not too sure what was the worst. Sylvanas working with the Jailer or the Dark Ranger night elves that feel abandoned by the ones trying to bring them back?

yeah that part with the night elves being raised into undeath and doing an immediate 180 into “all hail the dark lady that just burned our home and most of our people!” was some of the most ridiculous bull crap I think I’ve ever seen in this game


As a MM Hunter main this tier I think OP’s got every right to be a bit concerned.

If the Sylvanas bow is good and Hunters aren’t, Hunters will need the Sylvanas bow to even come close to competing because their baseline damage is otherwise so poor. That means that they’re relying on one (two if you count the Quiver) pieces of loot that aren’t even guaranteed to drop to be viable, which is extremely infuriating for any Hunters who don’t get the weapon early on.

If the Sylvanas bow is good and Hunters are too, the Sylvanas bow will make them ludicrously broken and they’ll inevitably get nerfed around the existence of a single item that 99% of Hunters might not even get.

If the Sylvanas bow is bad and Hunters are also bad, the entire class will be useless going into SoD.

What stung a little more is that it impacted nothing besides Sira just being a Warfront Boss.

edit: Even the Night Warrior curse wasn’t needed if Malfurion is remaining the power house he is.

edit 2: Of course no offense if you like the Night warrior. Just confused me on the decision concerning the night elf forces already pushed the horde away during the war of thorns with Malfurion leading.

lol she’s one of my favorite artists. wish she’d do more of those sketches, they crack me up. but yeah nothing theyve done with the NEs recently has made any sense imo it was all just there to further sylvanas’ plans

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