Sylvanas' Bow

So, does she use that to sort of '‘recall’ herself somewhere?

Like, when she gave it to Nathanos at Lordaeron? I noticed she doesn’t have her bow (nor arrow) when she comes out of Orgrimmar in the Reckoning cinematic.

Next time they better realize she’s about to gtfo when she appears without a bow.

I think that’s reading a bit too much into it. Sylvanas didn’t come out of Orgrimmar with a bow because she was going to fight with swords, so that saves them the trouble of animating her dropping a bow.


She didn’t have her bow when she left in the loyalist ending either.

When Sylvanas needs her bow, she’ll appear with her bow.


I think the reason she give her bow to Nathanos at Lordaeron was simply because she didn’t want it on her when her “guests” arrived. If she had been wielding a weapon when they got there, there would have been a good chance of them trying to nuke her on the spot. She wanted to get them into position for the bombs and to mock them a bit first.

At the closing of the destruction of Lordaeron cinematic, you can see Nathanos giving her back the bow after she flies up to the waiting airship. No fancy magic, he simply hands it to her.

Banshee’s fly. I don’t think there’s anything else to it, we’ve seen banshee’s flying before.

Have we? The only ones I can think of are the spectral variant that more or less levitate, not propel themselves at fast speeds. And doesn’t being in a body limit that function?

They float about with seemingly no resistance. That’s pretty much just flying, Sylvanas is just doing it at speeds we haven’t seen before, but I wouldn’t call that strange.

Sylvanas’ body has always been weird, since it’s also been mentioned she makes zero noise when she moves, even her footsteps are silent, as a result of being a banshee. Her body seems to had taken on properties of the banshee even back in Wrath.


Alternatively, her flying ability is just a new power from whatever Death god she works for, and I’m just wrong about it being a banshee ability.

The smokey aspect of it seems similar to her abilities in HotS, but there it is used more of a dash. It’s unclear if they are just using her HotS abilities as canon now or if it is linked to her new powers. The fact that no one in universe really acknowledges it doesn’t really help either.

I’m going to make an assumption and say no, they aren’t related. She did the flying gas power at the Battle for Lordaeron, but no one commented on it being weird.

Lor’themar and Jaina both saw her flying powers at the Siege of Lordaeron, but then at the Duel at Orgrimmar they talked about a new power they’ve never seen before.

So that kinda implies they aren’t the same.

Maybe she’s now a lich with phylactery