Sylvanas and her Nine Val'kyr

When Sylvanas committed suicide and jumped off Icecrown Citadel, she made a pact with nine Val’kyr that would save her in exchange for their freedom from the Lich King. Annhylde took her place so she could resurrect the first time. In Silverpine Forest, Sylvanas dies again when Lord Godfrey betrays her causing Agatha, Arthura and Daschla to give their lives to resurrect her once more. The fifth Val’kyr is slain at the battle for Andorhal by the Alliance. Brynja dies at the hands of Tyrande at Darkshore. That leaves three Val’kyr (Kyra, Signe and an unknown third) left to serve Sylvanas. Does this mean that Sylvanas can only resurrect once more before her death is permanent? I’m assuming that the last three will all have to sacrifice themselves in order to save her like the incident at Silverpine Forest.

I really hate this plot device.


Eh, they’re basically horcruxes.

Weird that it took 3 to rez her the 2nd time though.


they will probably be part of a council fight during the sylvanas raid

the first time was done by Annhylde who was more powerful than her sisters


Or they could be reset mechanics for Sylvanas’ fight like we had to kill Elisande three times before she stayed down.

I’d prefer if the Val’kyr were picked off one by one in more questing, though. We actually talked about this once on the forums here:


“At the hour of her third death she ushers in our coming.”


i dont want another mechanic like that

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We did pretty much have that with Garrosh, too.

Oh God damnit yven you’ve been on fire with these lately. Now we kill slyvanas only to find out that the unique properties of the valks have been used to throw open the gates if death itself and revive the old gods… why do we do this to ourselves. The last faction war ended with the legion coming and now this one ends with the old gods return.

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i will never understand why big bads think they can beat the players, we have the strongest plot armor of them all

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Yeah I think ive died like a few thousand times at this point and though not as powerful as the lore characters I have an infinite amount of attempts to defeat them and if I so choose can reincarnate into a class that happens to be over powered at the moment.

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we are the gods of this world, WE WILL NEVER DIE!


After Argus, any end of expansion boss will be a joke in comparison

WE KILLED A TITAN! Other than the most powerful Void Lords, nothing is stronger than a titan.

We defeated a Titan on the last sliver of his power with the help of other Titans on the last slivers of their power. Still the most impressive feat to date but defeating an actual Titan at full power would be an insane feat. I didn’t know azeroth had a health bar until I watched sargeras nearly one shot it and azeroth pop some serious cooldowns to stay up.

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At minimum thats 4 deaths, and if we say each can get her up by themselves, that’s 6.
Ignoring Alleria saying the only thing keeping her sane is her son and that she feels like she’s already died twice.


she has xal’athath now. So. She might have surprises for everyone.

Eh imo the dagger is going to retain its one ring feature even without the actual Xal in it, and slip away from its owner at the best (worst) moment.

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Anyway, Sylvanas made mistake in legion, instead of finding a way to control bird-girls she should’ve tried to find a way to recreate process of making them.


Should have gone and bullied Bolvar to make her more since Arthas could make them.

Hmm … that actually remains fairly unclear tbh. He may have been only able to make them because he already had the Prime’s enslaved; or perhaps he really could just make them without that sort of additional aid.