From what I understand the mechanism of Death seems to have broken relatively recently given that Ursoc and Ysera were sent to Ardenweald as early as Legion which seems to imply the Arbiter was still in charge and sifting souls to covenants at that point.
So I guess my biggest question is why is Sylvanas still working with the Jailer after learning the truth about her fate? Namely that she was NOT doomed to the Maw upon her death?
Contrary to what we now know to be a false vision of her future afterlife after her suicide at Icecrown Citadel, we know souls don’t just go straight to the Maw except in the particular case of Arthas who was claimed by Devos/Uther immediately upon his death to bypass the Arbiter’s judgment.
And even if she just went straight to the Maw to meet back up with the Jailer, we know she has to know about the covenant system given how many representatives thereof the Maw Walkers have rescued and I just refuse to believe she was unaware of them.
From what we’ve heard her say so far, she wants alongside the Jailer to break the whole unfair system. But as we’ve seen, it seemed pretty…fair up until the Arbiter was incapacitated and all the souls started streaming straight to the Maw due to the Jailer’s shenanigans.
Prior to her suicide and subsequent pact with the Jailer, Sylvanas very likely would have been sent to Maldraxxus due to her cunning and warrior spirit. At worst, she might have had to spend a bit of time in Revandreth first to cleanse herself of some of her more questionable actions, but she was certainly not Maw material.
So why is she still helping the Jailer? Is she still somehow unaware that he lied to her? Has she gone mad with power and simply wants to rule the system regardless? Or is this all leading to yet another totally boring and predictable redemption arc where she is yet again playing 4 dimensional chess with everyone in order to ‘save’ us from ourselves?
This is one of the reasons I just don’t like characters like Batman in comics very much anymore, they just know everything to the point it isn’t interesting because it’s just so unrealistic.
Now Batman the Animated Series? Heck yeah! He’s smart but he’s still fallible, he doesn’t know everything before someone even thinks it, and he makes mistakes. He’s HUMAN and therefore relatable.
Sylvanas is just not relatable at all anymore. Nobody is THAT smart and it just gets annoying to constantly dance to the tune of someone who was never some super genius.
Anyways, rant over. So what do you think, is she really just ignorant, power mad, or being set up for another hamfisted redemption?