SWU Events

Hey does SWU still do lecture events? If so, is it possible for Horde to attend?


They do!! And hey, Horde can attend them. They have locations that are “on campus” but in locations where Horde can show up. They do have some events that are in Stormwind of course, but they have ones that accommodate cross faction events!


Nice! How would I get specifics? Btw does TRP work across factions?

TRP can work cross faction IF you have CrossRP. I highly highly recommend getting CrossRP. It works with the elixir of tongues and allows you to see the other faction’s profile info.
The Stormwind University has a tumblr where they do an event posts and I think they have a forum post as well!! The post is called ‘SWUS Monthly Colloquium!’
It has names you can contact there and what not!


Hello hello, friendly local SWU rep here!
Our faction neutral events are as follows:
Neutral Literary Conclave: First Thursday of every month, Nordrassil, Hyjal. If you know where Thrall hangs out you can find us
Debate Series: Second Wednesday of every month, ICly on campus, OOCly ruins of the Scarlet Enclave town hall. Very close to the DK start zone.
Colloquium Series: Third Wednesday of every month, ICly on campus (New Peace Center!) OOcly Dreamer’s Pavilion, Jade Forest. Cho’s place, along the southern coast
We occasionally have irregular Neutral Literary Conclaves for holidays. All innformation on that can be found day-of (usually later than I’d like but I’m working on it) on our tumblr page.


Just to reinforce what Cani wrote: on the days of the neutral events announcements are made in the public chat channels in Orgrimmar.

If you want to contact SWU in-game before the next non-aligned event there’s a performance on the 31st at the theatrical festival. Cani would have to tell you details.


Honestly, if you want the details on that, you’re best off just hitting up Zephyrwise’s thread: [A/H Event] The Tirisfal Theatre Troupe Presents: The Starlight Soirée! We’ll be performing a play there at 6:45 server on day 1, and we’re working on a less involved performance for day 2 as well.


Great, thanks for the info! Hope to see you all around!

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