SWTOR Legacy system

Hey Blizz, have you ever thought of creating a system similar to the swtor legacy system? It would be an extremely welcome system in wow.

For those that dont know what it is:

You can create a Legacy on a realm in swtor that links all characters on a realm. Reputation is shared, gear is bind on legacy meaning you can share gear to all characters on your realm, you unlock perks like increased xp gains, use mounts earlier, portable mail box, repair bots, ports to locations and the best feature a legacy bank which you can place any bind on legacy items in and credits which is swtors version of gold. You can earn seperate titles showing even more prestige, e.g would be having the famed titles being a legacy title the shows under your name and then you can use a seperate title on your character at the same time

This would make the game even more alt friendly than it is now as things people want account wide could at least be server wide via the legacy system.

Its a win win for all players

Just in case people get too excited by this, reputation gains per week are weekly capped.

Let’s not, that system was terrible.

Hopefully we never get accountwide rep.

They did. Warbands.

11 months later


That seems like a lot of work to find a post to just throw out a zinger.

How was the payoff? Feeling good? Something like this, because this I get!

no as i play that game as well you get those credits from doing nothing lol, I have 100k of them lol

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I spent time as a ref in NWA before I joined the military and all I can say when we was young how he acted on camera. Is how we has in real life that man was a trip

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No kidding? That pretty cool!

There were a number of “medications” available during that time period that he appeared to take advantage of.

Yea, a lot of the wrestlers where, the amount of pain a lot was in was unreal

And the fact you hardly got any sleep because you would do a show in Richmond and then 12 hours later you had to be in Charlotte north Carolina

Mr Crockett was a slave driver lol

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I can only imagine.

I spent the early 80’s watching Rick as well as Andre, Hogan, Savage, etc. They were pushing the envelope at the time for what a bouncy mat and ropes could protect them from based off what I saw.

Then even bigger men started to enter the scene like the Undertaker, the Rock, and Goldberg.

I watched a show about Andre. He seemed like a really down to earth gentle giant. His wrestling prowess was only outshined by his drinking. :beers:

Looks at watch, then calendar, then watch, then calendar.
Responeds confusingly This Isn’t 2011

Sees forum creator name
Immediately goes for punchline.



WoW players be the kind of people to see a complaint or request from two years ago and be like “Gosh they just added it.”

Let him have it. Sometimes when someone with a ridiculous view or claim loses, utterly and completely; it’s worth circling back to mention it. Like ???-Mythic Dawn, (name and server are with-held) and her ongoing efforts to keep Death Knights from ever becoming playable characters, including a threat to quit if they ever did.

Let’s take a trip in the Way-Back Machine and see how that worked out!

(C&P from Old Forums)

Whew. Quite a post!

Now mind you, that was 2007. And thankfully, people ‘do’ change. The poster I reference? They are still playing WoW for the record. Also, I will not give her handle out for obvious reasons. The purpose of this post is to end on a positive note as well.

You see, while she ‘was’ frothing with moral outrage at the time, guess what happened eventually because of the embarrassment she suffered from the above post? She later wound up turning her goodie Paladin into a Death Knight, which she now she mains and really enjoys the game through. She’s one hell of a Tank. She also plays Horde now too.

I reposted this with her permission. Why? Because as she grew up from a idealistic teenager to an actual adult, she often has said in Discord, that this moment and the community reaction to it, was a pivotal turning point in her life and helped her to become a better person. This potential for personal growth, is one of many reasons that I feel that when a player says something idiotic, ridiculous, or over the top; they should reap the whirlwind.

If your going to play WoW, you should have at least enough faith in Blizzard’s plan, to not post a hostile rant, or attack another post and say it will ‘never happen’ or that it is somehow terrible. Especially when it’s a desire to improve the quality of all player’s lives, such as a request for more glyphs and or new colors for spell effects. ‘Never’ is a very long time, and times change.

Me: “Hmm
 A preachy Paladin girl gone to the darkside
? Guys, we know anyone like that?”
Undead DK Gal: “I will END you.”

The silver lining is that Fo’rums the Post Maker, probably will be able to put his children through college simply on the proceeds and sales generated by that thread alone. The quoted post is 16 years old, and so his children are just about ready to graduate.

Good work hon!! :+1:

PS: You and me. Timewalking tomorrows.