I just spied on the net that in the upcoming expansion update you can play as any class in any story (without crossing tech and force powers)
So you can play the BH story as the smuggler class or an Imperial Agent with a Troopers heavy assault canon.
Same with the Jedi. Be a Sith who uses a Jedi class. Or a Jedi who uses a Sith Juggernaut class.
Brilliant idea. I’m definitely going to try it when it hits their live servers.
also the load out is different.
they have done a really nice update can’t wait to be honest.
I can’t decide if I wana be a BH with a Troopers rifle or an Agent with a Trooper rifle.
You get to pick two per Character.
Im gonna play a TRUE dark Jedi Shadow and Sage. Shocking things on Tython . Always liked the Consular story anyway
So for my two Ill Pick Consular Origin and Asssasin/Sorc as my two specs.
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i just downloaded this game a few days ago and have yet to play it is it worth it?
Comes out on the 14th of December.
I am definitely going to give it a shot.
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wait what comes out on the 14th
You can play as any class for any story character.
So if you’re a Jedi you play as the sith class but still experience the Jedi Knight story.
Or play as an Imperial agent as a Trooper with a heavy gattling gun.
I will be making a trooper BH.
Crazy I remember playing this game when it launched. If it was just like the modern game than I don’t think it would have died out as fast as it did.
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Agreed and I still enjoy it
I was actually surprised how fast this game died out. I enjoyed the full leveling experience on my trooper , never skipped the dialogues , reached max levels, married my medic and was willing to go for the 6 month sub .
Then suddenly it went f2p …and now I have to pay to un hide my helm ?? lmao
I was playing with friends and did non-stop Warzone PvP. I think I was the 2nd or 3rd highest ranked person on the server. Then Diablo 3 came out and everyone started playing that. Servers dried up and not too long after GW2 came out and everyone went there. Game only lasted about 6 months.
Tried it when it went F2P, but it was hugely restrictive.
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New xpac went from a 14 Dec release date to 15 Feb. Fingers crossed it’s to address the issues everyone has been screaming about for weeks.
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Not the people that were on the PTS. I’m glad they’ve deleted they needed that time it just wasn’t ready
A few special offers are happening in SWTOR atm.
Huge discounts on the Cartel Market and exclusive titles and a mount for testing their PTR.
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You’re my knight in shining armor Tovi. If only you didn’t look like a bear stuck in a barrel in plate
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All of my CC have been spent.
I’m saving mine for the 50% off decos and mounts.