Sword and Shield Ret on the PTR

Um, no you shouldn’t since their needs to be a standard for the sake of balance.

Also, making a shield swap macro during wrath to mitigate some physical damage was extremely niche and did not make it a form of ret game play.

This is why I dislike frost, ww, fury having different weapon type options.

They’re throw away options for people that have a thematic fetish for those weapons. They’re a waste of talent space since one form is always gonna out dps the other.

If anything, those 3 specs should be able to mog into their preferred weapon types.

Not ret though, because like arms, we’re thematically meant to have two handers.

You wanna play sword and board then go do your little solo content gimped. But don’t expect to be taken seriously in group content

All three would be fine if they just actually let loot specializations effectively control what loot we get, as one would think was the point of them.

Sure, but in that case, Fury would be better off with SMF being the base and Titan’s Grip being the transmog, as they are otherwise uniquely charged twice as much as any other spec in the game to upgrade their weapons.

Aye. It’d be fun to see it done in occasional base-holding PvP, but it shouldn’t be anything mainstreamed.

  • If not for the inability to weapon-swap therein, cheesing an untimed highest-end M+ could be neat, but that’d require incredibly rare circumstances, as I can’t think of any dungeons in which all likely sources of unavoidable death would be physical.

That’s a slippery slope fallacy waiting to happen right there.

Anyways, I want dual-wielding ret. Because if we have crusader NPCs that can do it, we should be able to as well. We’re even halfway towards a build for it: It could be our dedicated DoT-build, focusing on periodic damage and a return of ‘Seal of Vengeance’, where our attacks could stack short, heavy damage-over-time quickly.

Has this been read/acknowledged by the CM?

Or will they release and then nerf/hotfix this?

I’d prefer dual wield to be a fourth spec for paladins. Like a zealous berserker theme. Call it “Conviction”.

But anyway, it the truth. You cant have multiple weapon type okay styles for a spec and expect them to be perfectly balanced. You then end up with wasted talents.

Yeah but they also get their stat benefit. So TG is still better.

As a big fan of both paladin and periodic damage, I would love that.

No, that’s not how balance works.

They effectively get no benefit out of the extra stats from Titan’s Grip so long as they are balanced around having those additional stats.

It’d have been literally taken from the damage they’d otherwise do even with one-handers and then held hostage to their having to spend twice as much on upgrading their gear and competing more painfully with other melee’s drops, as each one-of-two slots for them would otherwise have completed both slots for any other 2H melee.

In terms of gearing for both the Fury and any raid using them, Titan’s Grip is sabotage. Sometimes they get overpowered enough for it to be worth it, but it’s never a gearing advantage to have to take up twice the weapon resources of anyone else.

not the same no

but equivalent to what the preg. can do

Please explain how it would be lack luster?

First off, you have added stats, 2nd you hain access to a skill that otherwise would be locked to ret due to lack of sheild, and 3rd they could create a talent specificall for that sheild to be useful and bake in some divine storm play with sotr usage, which in turn would give them the excuse to drop enquisotor’s ire.

Also i do not respect being named dropped without my notice. This is disrecticful in an attempt to avoid me responding to a subject and is pretty much talking behind a person’s back.