Sword and Shield dps

All of that normally comes in through numbers tuning. as for mobility, I don’t generally see that issue unless I fight a frost mage or a hunter. Otherwise I’m 90% of the time on my foe unless I choose not to, and I pvp as a prot pally which has even less mobility then ret’s does.

No offense but you kinda have no idea of what you’re talking about.

I do my friend, I do. been a pally since vanilla, I have a ton of experience. I ret pvped last week in fact before I swapped to prot pvp. world of difference in what I can and cannot do between the 2.

and yes, prot pvp is viable if you think it is not.

No offense my dude, but some people can do something their whole life and still be bad at it or just completely miss the point the entire time.

Like, you can look through my achievements and see I’ve been around since Vanilla, it doesn’t mean anything.

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That’s certainly an option, but would prefer there be some playstyle.

I don’t know what the fascination is with creating specs inside of specs which was the reason these things were removed in the first place. In case you haven’t noticed yet, there are no playstyle changes made to these classes getting weapon options back. Frost was crap when there was a split spec, so bad that other specs were doing around double the dps and on average was probably 20-50% ahead.

Say you needed to buff templars verdict for sword and board and not for 2h… guess what you can’t do it without all these extra abilities that have to be created. You can’t just turn a knob and be done with it. In the case of frost if say DW needed a little boost in the rune spending area, you couldn’t really do anything that did frost damage, so you were left with obliterate, but you couldn’t buff that because it would buff 2h Obliterate, which got a major steroid and would then be buffed even more. So a 5% obliterate buff was more than 5% for 2h.

It’s gets to be a mess and you can’t really touch anything other than things that aren’t a focus of either weapon, and then that buff just helps whatever weapon set can make use of it better. Buff Howling Blast DW gets even better and so on.

Transmog has less impact, I would even say 0 impact, on gameplay.

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My quiestion is why are you so bent-backwards against other ppl’s gameplay, if you don’t like it if it is put into the game, don’t use it.

No one cares about your .0001% increase on dps output of it became the prime “dps output” talent.

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Wow, way to not read all the actual issues that goes on when you create different playstyles.

It’s also ludicrous that you think that is the dps gaps that were going on, you are so far away from what was going on that you sound like those people saying “leveling is so good without flying” back in WoD.

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your ‘issues’ has already been answered, your not reading them and repeating yourself, wasting everyones time by trying to make a circle arguement for no reason.

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No, they haven’t lol.

You: But it makes it harder to get loot!
Us: Make a seperate loot toggle.
You: but min max!
Us: That can be solved by making or moving talents that can rival the talent in suggestion, and by tuning numbers by decreasing that stats you get from the sheild for example in return of the abilities we can use from the prot abilities that is becoming baseline along with maybe another skill just for ret.
You: but fury and 2-hand frost don’t do that!
US: see answer one on the loot toggable, and ret’s would have to use a talent slot so ret’s don’t feel forced into the play style of sword/board dps that some don’t like.
You: I’mma gonna ignore everything you said, call you bad and go back to all the arguements that you just countered because I don’t feel like reading and want to troll this thread by going in circles!

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How would it being a talent not force you to play that way? If it’s a dps increase it’s mandatory, if it’s not it’s a dead talent. If you lift weapon restrictions it’s either a dps increase or it’s not.

Loot tables already have a toggle which comes with a negative impact with tank items dropping.

It’s more like you have ignored everything. Do you know that they have never, ever, EVER been able to balance 2 specs in one. Never. And it’s not so small it’s not noticeable. Not to mention glad stance or dark apotheosis but every single one has been an absolute balance nightmare some stretching back to a decade at the very least. When you buff an ability for one weapon set, the other one gets buffed as well and the same goes for nerds. This is because they share an ability pool. You act like it’s this easy thing when in reality it isn’t.

If I am repeating myself, it’s because you refuse to listen. You think these things are just so easy to do and fix, and then you make some snarky comment that does nothing. The way you even put it was like moving the goal post when in reality all of those issues exist simultaneously and have been brought forward as such.

Oh and I thought you were done…

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/10 char

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Do you really think anything in wow has a. “.0001%” balance difference? No, and it hasn’t never happened.

And at this point you are just responding to yourself with a strawman argument of your own creation.

Talents before corruption stacking was pretty well balanced to be around that. But yeah keep believing they don’t know how to balance talents.

No, they weren’t around that, at all. Lol not even close.

Is it orange kool-aid your drinking or grape?

How about this. You go and make your own thread, suggest what you’d like, instead of obstructing this thread more on your imaginary unbalanced numbers.

Because let’s be clear on this. If the talents where not balanced, everyone would be using the same build and all the other talents would be called trap talents (best example is how our ret healing talents are currently, only really one useful talent there… for pvp that is) sure there will always be a problem or 2, but these days they do a good job balancing talents.

But people are using a lot of the same talents within the same skill level on average. It’s been like that expansion after expansion. Some talents were even a dps loss in the case of drain soul for example.

Blizzard has never had that great of a balance number.

They also used to have classes that had 0 active skills and classes not viable even for lower level raids. Ret paladin history would prove that scenario. They had gotten a 100 fold better at balance since then. When dw/2-hand frost was a thing in wrath (I played a dk back then) they where relatively only a few dps apart, with it favoring 2-handers. I still dw and was in the top realm pve guild at the time, in there progression raid team pushing. So if they balance it close enough it really doesn’t matter in the end. Like ret’s proc build vs crusade build today. They compete, but both is strong.

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What a big bowl of wrong that entire statement was.