Sword and Shield dps

That’s a good point. I suppose like you said, as long as they don’t have the block chance Prot’s have, then it should be fine. More of an armor buff than anything, which I do think Holy benefits from.

I would love to have a paladin wielding a serious looking Flail, that would be so cool in my mind!

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Just imagine 2h with shield… my mouth waters


then again, maybe the reason it’s not a big deal for holy to be able to block is because they can’t block while performing their role, whereas a dps spec would still be able to while still dishing out DPS.

but again, if they’re only blocking say 5% of the time maybe it still doesn’t matter much.

someone with greater insight into game balance (probably specifically pvp balance) would know better than me. (I assume blocking should only matter in pvp, because in any serious pve content you’re going to have a tank anyway)

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Less concerned with look and more concerned with how it feels to play.

If sword and board is more damage but feels god awful to play would suck.

I pushed the concept of two handed weapon in one hand and shield in the other back in BC for ret cause they had no direction, no real niche. The reply I got was that it was a technical issue that prevented the use of two have weapons and a shield. Later they split the concept and gave both to warriors as two fisted fury and gladiator stance. Even a one handed, shield wielding dps option would be more unique now since every melee has the ability to heal themselves now, remember when that was a star feature of being a paladin.

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Ok so what about the people that want a dw dps spec for paladins. It has been suggested in the past. Perhaps make a 4th spec where you can dw or sword and shield.

Me, personally, am hoping for a 4th spec where we duel-wield wands and steal teeth from underneath children’s pillows and replace them with copper coins.

And this is why people that make responses like this are called trolls. You offer nothing to the conversation.

I’m sorry you’re so adverse to silliness.

I never got the appeal of sword 'n board dps. I played Gladiator spec and it was just prot with an ability that changed function. It wasn’t mind blowing. It felt redundant and everyone saw the shield and expected a tank and were always disappointed especially when they would inspect and see all the tank gear equip but it only served as modifiers for more dps.

We already have protection that fulfills this fantasy anyhow, all it would need is righteous fury to be toggable so everyone can pretend to be Leonidas and disappoint people who were expecting a tank. It would need a downside also.

You could not switch out of Gladiator stance when in combat. Prot would need the same caveat.

Sorry i had had issues with trolls. But in a thread i had made in the past i posed the 4th spec question and a lot of responses had dw dps and about the same amount had sword and shield dps.

Because everyone wants Denounce and Exorcism to make a comeback so we can have ranged holy caster spec called Inquisitor, duh!

But, DW could work, just call the 4th spec, just call it Zealotry or Furor. There used be a Private server that had DW paladins, and I will say, having seal of command proc from both weapons was pretty cool.

I woild love for seals to come back to paladins. And what you said was a suggestion in that thread call it zelotry or fanatic. And have it dw.

I wish arms had that outside of victory rush

arms has second wind

We do have second wind yeah but it’s sub optimal on the row for what i do on my warrior, i meant a more on demand heal or something like second wind from mop

Personally I think warriors should not have baked in healing.


Probably not, i agree, but my response was to the every melee has healing now so it wasnt unique for rets or something. I just wish arms wasn’t the worst 1v1 spec in the game and had to crutch on healers

I will say that every melee having a form of heals is just bad. But i can understand what your saying.


my only issue with DW is that since we already have rogues combo points, it might seem like we’re treading too close to them if we start DW too.

I don’t want a spec that’s just a “plate rogue”

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I need a 2h + shield tank dps or whatever in my wow life. Even if it’s just transmog. Arms gets close but that default defensive stance animation and model :face_vomiting:

Though the d3 crusader dreams come to life in wow (pally) would be fantastic. Just wanted to give my +1 voice