So I made a Charged Claymore with the hope of giving it to a friend and OOOPS it’s BoP. Now I’m stuck with a a god-like 2h for Ret and being prot I think… lets give it a go and see what happens. OH DEAR LORD YOU CANT EVEN SOLO AN ELITE without blowing every cooldown in the book. Like holy hell I thought your/our damage was suppose to make up for the fact Ret is squishy. I can pull entire rooms in delves with multiple crypt lord elites as prot and Bran sweeps up the rest. As Ret I’m struggling with solo elites like WHY AM I WASTING HOLY POWER ON HEALS instead of making it dead faster??? Simple answer… Ret doesn’t have the talents to get the job done.
this sounds like a ,major skill issue bud
So you’re saying Ret is happy with their dps? I was expecting a true DPS class not an easybake oven with pointy bits.
edit: I’m one of those casual scrubs who bases how good things are on… was it fun and easy. Well, Ret is neither fun nor easy compared to Prot and I can clear content with prot much faster. So the entire point of this thread is my feedback giving Ret a big fat thumbs down. If you think that’s a skill issue… well you’re a human paladin after all. Everything is “beneath” you.
right now? yes, we’re one of the stronger dps specs in the game post templar buffs. if u typed this like a month previous then i would say ya “our dps is beans”
also calling ret not easy is kinda meme? its the melee beast mastery of the game
I won’t argue against Ret needing buffs in pretty much all content, but it’s still one of the best specs for clearing Delves. Is your ilevel the same as Ret as it is for Prot? Are your secondary stats allocated appropriately?
What? It’s overall 3rd in damage for Mythic
It’s top 10 in heroic.
It’s the most popular DPS in keys up until 12 and up which aren’t done by any average joe for the moment anyway.
You’re both smoking.
The only place its genuinely bad is PVP.
For the rest, you may not like how its damage is done, which is fair, but the amount of damage is not the issue.
It’s easier to be closer to sims for us than others. That’s why we’re “ranked” lower in heroic than mythic. It’s easier content. As other skilled players optimize, they will trend closer to sim predictions, whereas Rets are already mostly there from the start. That’s where you see shifts in logs.
However, it’s still rather early to be looking at logs for rankings though (less than 360 rets have even beaten m kyveza, and like you said, it’s the most popular).
If you look at sim data, Ret is lower 1/3. You should temper your opinion with the knowledge of sim data and with your knowledge of the actual fights.
When considering both, and looking further into the future, we’re not doing as well as you might think.
And now we’re getting nerf’d
It’s 6 weeks into the raid, I’m sorry it’s not.
I’d be inclined to agree if it would before the end of RWF because they wait for them to be done before making more drastic changes to classe balances but we’re way past that.
Now that being said, Mythic isn’t always a good representation for sure.
Heroic is more telling for population at large.
It’s funny because I was just in a spat with someone on a another thread arguing Ret was too strong and was in needs of nerfs because it has too much utilities on top of being a top 3 DPS in mythic…
And that it shouldn’t have both.
He also said Ret was getting another rework but couldn’t point to who said that and when it would happen (Blizzard didn’t say anything on this at all), so maybe I shouldn’t give to much legitimacy to what he was saying.