Switching from a Frost DK to a DH and I have some questions

So I played Frost DK for the last 10 years. I am tired of them feeling good to play then hated on and nerfed into the ground, so recently I just picked up playing a DH, man lots of fun!

however, I find I have moments sometimes that I get slapped with a massive hit and I don’t have that many “save me” options, I probably don’t know what options I have.

With my DK I had the god send of AMS and AMZ. Then I had the talented Lichborne defensive, then I had IBF defensive, then on top of all that I had Death Strike to top me up.

However, beside the two defensive options I see with DH the aoe defensive (similar to AMZ) and the other CD one similar to IBF, there’s not much else for topping yourself up.
Do I just collect shards and get health from that and hope for the best? Just trying to figure out what I do in a clutch moment to stay alive.

Blur, Netherwalk and leech are your only options as a DH.

DK is an objectively overloaded class in terms of defensives, and that’s being nerfed in 11.1

In PvP there are a few more defensive options via pvp talents

Rain from above gets you out of melee range.

Blood moon talent makes your dispel spawn souls for heals and a chance of a 20% dmg buff.

Glimpse is a decent wall for the few seconds you are in the air (combines nicely with rain).

Let me get this straight, you’re tired of being hated on and nerfed into the ground so you pick…. DH?


Yeah…but that is irrelevant to the conversation really. I mean, thanks for opting in with your opinion, but that’s about all that it is used for.

Good news about playing dh is that you won’t have to worry about havoc having no defensives because you won’t be invited to a group anyways

You definitely have to be a bit more paranoid as a DH than you were as a DK. You need to watch your feet more, stand behind enemies more, be more aggressive with interrupts and strategic stuns, and be quicker to pop a potion and GTFO til the coast is clear.

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but man it feels good to yolo mechanics

hahahah, so true. you don’t need that stuff in heroic runs or overworld.

For havoc you will have a few abilities that generate the orbs use those at the get go so you can pick them up as you need them. in combat you will find that you are moving around to pick up the orbs when you take a good hit.

unless he is playing the most likely build as fel-scarred, in which case his only way to get orbs is the RNG on chaos strike (or when something dies). Sigil of Spite, Soul Sigils, and Chaos Fragments (chaos nova 30% chance for orbs) are the only non-chaos-strike-RNG ways for havoc to generate soul fragments. Not sure why they decided to make an entire tree based on soul fragments while doing absolutely nothing to either the class or spec tree.

Its Blizzard this is the same people that are refusing to give us a 3rd spec.

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