Does anyone else feel like they’re 100% in love with a spec or class one day, then the next time you log in it’s like “meh”. Then you play something else and come back and you’re like “how did I ever stop playing this”. Rinse and repeat. Idk how I can like something so much one day and the next I’m impartial and liking something else.
Also, Happy Thanksgiving Americans.
I suffer from that. I’m usually good for 8 weeks on one class.
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Happy Thanksgiving!
And no, I play one class only.
My problem is I like too many classes. I’ll play one and love it, then I level an alt and I’ll love that class and I don’t play my main as much. Then level another alt and that feels fun.
In MoP remix I leveled 23 alts to 70. A lot of that was grinding coins for extras, but I wasn’t bored doing it.
I spend a huge chunk of time trying out different classes/specs to try and find something that feels intuitive and/or fun. I mean probably a grand total of a month or more of playtime of me just trying everything out.
I usually end up settling on one or two characters to play, but sometimes that doesn’t happen until halfway through an expansion.
It’s how I have over 5 druids/paladins and 3 hunters now. I do have a consistent main for raiding/M+, however, but for things like mount farming, it’s like I have 15+ mains.
Sometimes, my defaults are DK, Mage, Hunter. I know I like those.
But sometimes I’ll pull out my warrior for example and have the best time of my life, and wonder why I stopped playing him. Then, I’ll go to do something else and forget about the warrior all over again.
I try to switch it up once a season. Last season was Paladin. This season is back to Monk.
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Kinda. Ill stick to one spec for months and then kinda go alt crazy and play a different spec every week or so.
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Nope. Been playing a Druid since Cata, a Pally since Classic, and a Mage since Wrath. I always stick to these 3. Even if I level something else, or just try something else, I am NEVER bored with these 3.
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I used to be Healer Priest main, have been a Paladin main since mid Legion.
The switch happened when Guild and friends list faded out to nothing and I needed to solo everything.
That was the only reason I switched, I still love my Priest though.
I like knowing what I’m doing, which is hilarious as I’m a total potato on a good day.
I do however really enjoy playing alts, so when I get my main’s chores done I’m always excitd to try something else.
I got to play Ret this Xpac, haven’t done that since Wrath, so that’s been fun.
Went Shadow on my Priest and have had a blast with Delves.
Lock got some love this time around too, T8 Delves on Demo is a ton of fun for me.
My new new right now is my Enhancement Shammy, figured as it was FOTM I should give it a try, only ever really healed on Shammy got me some Agi weapons which was super weird I won’t lie.
Have about 200 action bars and more buttons than a coat factory, and I have absolutely no idea what the hell I’m doing, like none, had to install Hekili just to get a clue.
That’s the fun part, but I’ll still go Resto at cap, can’t help myself.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Or you try and choose a class then they rework it or nerf. I’m not fotm, but they did keep jacking up the class id land on.
Nope, I’ve had about the same appreciation/dislike for every spec for years now with some exceptions related to how improved a spec became because of its hero talents. What I loved playing 7 years ago or whatever is still fun to me today, gameplay wise. I might be less motivated to play them if blizzard forced them to be bad but that doesn’t seem to be the question here.
I have a similar habit. I play BM Hunter as a main but I also rotate off to about six other characters fairly regularly. Sometimes I decide to dungeon level up a new t00n just for a switch… Always go back to my BM hunter eventually, I’m attached to the character. That said I enjoy healing quite a bit so I have several healers that I play almost as often as my main but usually in one week chunks.
Can relate OP. Loved Holy Priest at first(Still do), got sick of not having a kick. Rerolled a Mage, got her to 619 and got my seasonal goal out the way. Now I’m currently playing Arms Warrior and OMG is it so fun.
Likely my 3 classes I’ll be rocking in S2 with Mage being the focus.
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This might be a thing for a private office not the forums seems like a brain thing but what do I know, I’m no phycologist. I hope you find the thing you love in the game tho friend.
I’m guilty of this. Every m+season I play a different class or spec. DF s2 fire mage, s3 Aff warlock, s4 assn rogue. TWW s1 UHDK, testing the waters for next season already kind of liking dev evoker arms warrior maybe surv hunter if they release Heroneir. Maybe even thinking mist monk.
I go until I get 2.5 io the. Start testing the waters and gather mog waiting for the next season to start.
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I feel same as some others here who switch between classes and enjoy playing them as a change of pace, or l like me they enjoy playing all or most classes. I have a few classes I play more to gear up for raids and mythics, but I still play my other ones often. I really like learning, heh, or trying to learn, how best to play them all.
I play with every class, but always come back to druid/war.
It’s like I want to, but zi just notice myself playing war/druid more and more as the xpac progresses.
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