Hey guys i switched from Venthyr to Necrolord recently and I have a weird issue where Draka is not phased correctly and I can’t turn in any quests to her. I have a open ticket, but it says average response time is 16 Days so I figured I would try my luck here incase someone knows how to fix it?
It also seems like I have Chapter 2 of the campaign complete but not Chapter 1 so I’m not sure if that is the root of the issue?
I literally have the exact same issue. Draka is standing in front of the rug next to Vashj, yet another copy of Vashj is up behind on the platform. It’s like they’re phased to a previous questline. I put in a ticket yesterday and got a generic response saying to submit a bug report and to check Wowhead.
Yes I have the exact same situation with Vashj and everything. I got the same ticket response but submitted another and we will see if I get response. I’m hoping a fix comes with maintenance on tuesday.
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I changed from Kyrian to Necrolord and I’m having the exact same problem as well. I’ve tried everything I could possibly do to change my phasing. WM on/off, getting people who don’t have the phasing problem to inv me to a group, entering the maw/torghast, relogging, and restarting the game completely. I’m also still receiving the material required for the path of ascension building in the kyrian sanctum which is really strange. The daily reset did not fix any of this so hopefully this gets hotfixed before the weekly reset.
In the same boat as you all with switching to Necrolord from venthyr ><. So much for getting my second soulbind for a while.
also experiencing this issue, cant seem to force my character into the correct phase.
really annoying (:
Adding my two cents, I have the exact same problem and submitted a ticket. Looks like I’ll get a generic response to the ticket in a day or so though.
Same issue - Cant believe my friends convinced me this game was worth paying monthly for again lol.
I am having this issue as well.
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Bumping this in hopes it’ll get looked at before the reset. It’s really messed with my covenant, for instance I have enough renown to unlock emeni but it still shows as locked in my soulbinding
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So the weekly reset did fix this problem, for a brief moment only. Draka appeared where she was meant to be and I managed to complete the quest “Securing the House”, but just two quests down the chain, another instancing issue.
Can’t complete follow-up quest, “Eyes on the Problem”, because now Lady Vashj isn’t where she is meant to be, next to Draka. Halting my covenant progress again.
Please don’t tell me I have to wait till another weekly reset to progress until another instancing bug pops up.