Does anyone know a good spot/area to farm this? I’m in Westfall now and doing OK. But I’m wondering if there could be a better area.
Thanks. In Retail I farmed around Hilsbrad, but I went over there and it’s definitely not the same as retail.
Does anyone know a good spot/area to farm this? I’m in Westfall now and doing OK. But I’m wondering if there could be a better area.
Thanks. In Retail I farmed around Hilsbrad, but I went over there and it’s definitely not the same as retail.
try darkshore
It an additional herb that drops when farming Briarthorn or Mageroyal. Your best options are the 9-30 zones where these herbs grow.
East side of Loch Modan. Nothing but Mageroyal and Briarthorn dominating the area.
Strangelkelp too
No, stranglekelp you can farm as an individual herb from water areas. Swifthistle is only available as an add-on herb, you cannot target it specifically.
No no. You can get swiftthistle from stranglekelp iir. Nvm. Im wrong.
I don’t believe so, at least not from memory and not according to Wowhead Classic. They claim it only drops from briarthorn and mageroyal, though I seem to recall it might also drop from bruisehead. Been many years though, so memory may be fuzzy. I could be wrong but I wouldn’t count on it.
Mageroyal and Briarthorn only.
I already said i was wrong[quote=“Holymirax-ashkandi, post:7, topic:312989, full:true”]
No no. You can get swiftthistle from stranglekelp iir. Nvm. Im wrong.
I could be wrong but I wouldn’t count on it??? It’s BruiseWEED. Idiot.
Potato brain responding to a four year post.
Probably responds to thottbot comments on wowhead too.