Swiftthistle farming

Does anyone know a good spot/area to farm this? I’m in Westfall now and doing OK. But I’m wondering if there could be a better area.

Thanks. In Retail I farmed around Hilsbrad, but I went over there and it’s definitely not the same as retail.

try darkshore

It an additional herb that drops when farming Briarthorn or Mageroyal. Your best options are the 9-30 zones where these herbs grow.

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East side of Loch Modan. Nothing but Mageroyal and Briarthorn dominating the area.


Strangelkelp too

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No, stranglekelp you can farm as an individual herb from water areas. Swifthistle is only available as an add-on herb, you cannot target it specifically.

No no. You can get swiftthistle from stranglekelp iir. Nvm. Im wrong.

I don’t believe so, at least not from memory and not according to Wowhead Classic. They claim it only drops from briarthorn and mageroyal, though I seem to recall it might also drop from bruisehead. Been many years though, so memory may be fuzzy. I could be wrong but I wouldn’t count on it.

Mageroyal and Briarthorn only.

I already said i was wrong[quote=“Holymirax-ashkandi, post:7, topic:312989, full:true”]
No no. You can get swiftthistle from stranglekelp iir. Nvm. Im wrong.

I could be wrong but I wouldn’t count on it??? It’s BruiseWEED. Idiot.

Potato brain responding to a four year post.

Probably responds to thottbot comments on wowhead too.