Swiftmend in TWW

Is it available for Feral or Boomy? It didn’t look like it was when I was last on the Beta and seemed to be removed from the Class tree.

However patch notes are still applying Swiftmend changes for Feral and Boomy, and Boomy still has a PVP talent (Master Shapeshifter) that revolves around buffing Swiftmend.

Swiftmend was removed from the class talent tree. It is restoration only now.


Gotcha, thanks. So at the very least the PVP talent could use some updating.

any ideas why it was removed from Boomkin? I used it all the time for a quick heal.


No idea, I used to love it back in Shadowlands when we actually had good self healing. Only really used it in BGs this expansion. Really does feel bad to literally have all our self healing nuked even further in TWW. FR is garbage, Renewal is now garbage. Good luck finding time to spam regrowth for <10% of your health

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Yeah. Swiftmend was ideal. Good, quick healing. Now, I die alot. LOL


People complained that the class tree was “bloated” with unnecessary points, so they moved some nodes to baseline, while keeping the bloatedness, but with passive nodes.

in reality we were complaining about spells that did NOTHING for our characters. Like having to pick up ironfury to get a specific talent even though it literally does nothing unless you’re guardan.

But swiftmend was useful for feral, balance and resto.


It appears they are trying to make everybody more dependent on healer characters and healing potions. They have nerfed healing in many ways for tanks and many DPS specs. I know I currently (as of this morning) have Swiftmend, Rejuvenation, and Wild Growth that knock me out of Moonkin Form. Once servers are back up, I’ll still have access to those spells (though I will try to avoid taking the talents for them if I can).

I wish the Hybrid healing/mana change would be reverted… Or that Swiftmend was the default heal, maybe a charge system and useable in forms…


If they ever give us back Swiftmend, they would need to keep it from knocking us out of Moonkin form.

Hi OP!

Feral and Boomy have access to SW through Convoke. This is currently their only access.

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I bet thats an oversight on Bliz part. They didnt remember that Convoke cast SW. So, the spell still exists for Boom, we jist cant cast it directly.