Swift Spectral Tiger Prime Loot

Well I would want them to keep the Spectral Tiger very rare look what happen too China…they gave away the Spectral Tigers to all the player base in China and poof went their servers and games…all gone can’t play… :sweat_smile:

Yes! There are some mean colonel sander and Mario bros transmogs out there! A perfect compliment.

It will happen when players want more then just free cake

Did someone say, cake?

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LOL you could use a Dwarf for the Colonel…since they are only race that has beards…

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Yes, however I think rarity might be the wrong word: not sure if you’re aware, but before giveaways, the rooster, spectral and swift spectral were actually among the LEAST rare tcg mounts, about 1 in 100 had them, but majority of tcg mounts were twice rarer, as in 1 in 200 possession rate, for example mottled drake, big battle bear, feldrake, blazing hippo, corrupted hippo, you can still see that for those that weren’t brought back.

And then you have those few that were particularly rare cause there weren’t many cards around, which around 1 in 700 people had, like the blue rocket, shorestrider and camel, and they didn’t mind giving those away.

The reason imo is that the average player by far prefers tigers and roosters, to the point they’d rather pay 60 mil for a tiger than 10 mil for a camel, and this made their prices skyrocket too, both IRL and in game.

But to the point, the rarity chart shows blizzard doesn’t care about devaluing the rarest ones, they care about not devaluing the MOST EXPENSIVE ones.