So, as the title says, when is this happening? And can I get cake with it?
On a real note though, that transmorgmorph thing that can turn into mounts would be a sweet deal for the blizzard tender currencies.
So, as the title says, when is this happening? And can I get cake with it?
On a real note though, that transmorgmorph thing that can turn into mounts would be a sweet deal for the blizzard tender currencies.
when player numbers and twitch prime numbers are at an absolute dismal level.
When you find the seven sacred Moob stones, bring them to Moob Mountain and call upon the elder Moob in reverence to unleash the power this wretched husk of a world has been waiting for!
Or maybe next Tuesday for no reason
Never, according to an interview.
I’m waiting to use the free prime for the chicken mount since I already have the spectral tiger. We’re not going to talk about how I got it during the height of the TCG dupping. I just bought it from the AH for 500k.
Is this the same Moob as the undead classic priest?
Personally, I thought it was Meatloaf’s Fight Club Moobs
You can order cake on amazon. First world benefits.
There’s supposed to be a second promotion today.
I am just waiting for old elite pvp mogs to be recycled as new content. Trading post one day I am sure…
It is all just appearance junk right? Who cares? Mounts mean nothing now, why should PvP appearances mean anything? Why should even the mage tower original weapon appearances mean anything? Why are some things made worthless years later and not others?
There are some players out there who derive their self-worth and perceived specialness on how rare they appear to others.
Thankfully, a lot of these players have left to play other games or even Classic. I for one can’t stand the rarity=special mindset. And, I say this as someone who has owned the TCG mounts through playing the Cryptozoic game.
Now that’s a mount if it was given as a prime gaming reward would probably melt down these forums at least for that day.
When you get some time, please let me know of any MMO on the market at the moment that doesn’t have any FOMO items?
I will wait…
I myself don’t care. I stopped caring a long time ago, I own a ton of things that have been removed from several MMOs, collected over the past 23 years. BUT if they are going to start handing out one or two things in WoW that were supposedly “removed”, make EVERYTHING accessible again!!! Even better make it fun to obtain those old items. I’d also love to see recolors of a lot of the FOMO items to be honest. HD update options for a lot of the older ones as well.
Its only sought-after because its so rare. If they did add it to prime then SW would be filled with tigers and after a few days people would realize riding on a tiger isn’t all that thrilling after all since everyone is doing it.
Years ago, I used to think that rare mounts were just shallow tokens of momentary popularity and fake self esteem.
But now, I realize they are the only true measure of a person’s real worth as a human being.
Facts. /ten
That’s not really what they said.
What they said:
wowvendor. com/en-us/portal/wow/wow-ion-hazzikostas-the-swift-spectral-tiger-mount-wont-be-returning/
That means the Trading Post is still on the table
No it isn’t.
Ion Hazzikostas called out the
Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger by name and mentioned that there are a couple that they are going to take extreme care with, the
Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger included. He wouldn’t expect this mount to drop randomly through some promotion. Ion personally would be surprised to see that coming back in any form, but if if it did show back up, they would think very very very very carefully about it as they know what players have put into getting them and how treasured they are and taking that away overnight would be wrong.
But now, I realize they are the only true measure of a person’s real worth as a human being.
Only gladiators go to Heaven.
Today’s promotion is the 12mo sub with mounts package. Hideous moonbeast included.
You say that but then posted exactly what I did.
It doesn’t say the TP is off the table.
It says promotions are off the table, and they will be careful.
Rugpulling Spectral Tiger owners is no different than rugpulling etheral hearthstones or tyraels charger or anniversary mounts or anything else.
The Blazing Hippograph was $2000 before it was brought back lol.