Why do the allied races druids not have a swift flight form? Just got my Kul Tiran to lvl 70 with upgraded flying and nothing.
That’s just the regular flight form. The original 4 druids get an initial flight form and then a swift flight form. I also wonder if there is a race specific archdruid flight form.
Don’t know about Kul Titans, but Zandalari definitely do. Their regular flightform is a pterodax without ornate jewelry, swift has ornate jewelry
Kul’tiran archdruid (class hall mount) looks exactly the same as the worgen one, it’s white with the purple belly.
I also don’t think that Zandalari druids have a basic flight form either, they just have one single one pterodax with the gold jewels.
It was more than likely an oversight.
Nope. Zandalari do have a base flight form and a separate epic flight form.
I have a zandalari druid, but it wasn’t a fresh one so I have no idea what it even looks like and thus had no real clue. I just assumed.
Did you ever figure it out? Also I have the required riding skill but the tool tip for flight form still says 150%
I think the trade off was Zandalari getting swift flight form, and Kul Tirans have multiple tints on their moonkin form?