<Sweet Victory> Since 2007 LF DPS for Heroic/Mythic Progression

We raid Tue/Wed/Fri 9:15PM to 12AM EST
Tue/Wed Progression, Fri Bonus night for farmed content.

is a laid back non-toxic family style guild.

Looking for active players who want to raid heroic and push for CE.

Bnet tag is Mysticknight#1390

Still looking for a couple dps for the mythic team hit me up :slight_smile:

now 3/10 still looking for one range dps slot to be filled

Currently looking for a solid dps for the core team

Currently looking for a MW Monk and a disc priest

now 4/10
Looking for a few more dps
High priority on DK/Hunter/Boomkin/Mage
Also consider other skilled players

Looking for a few more raiders
Hig prioity on DK/Ret Pally/Hunter/Boomkin/Mage, Disc priest
also consider other skilled players for core team.
Also looking for active up and coming raiders that want to do some heroic Raid Sunday 7:00pm to 10pm EST

Looking to fill up one more spot before reset hit me up for a trial run

Currently 5/10M
Looking for Unholy DK for a core raid spot. Also Looking for other skilled range dps.

Currently high priority on Mage/Hunter and other skilled dps

Currently have a couple spots open for Mythic Progression. We are looking to start Mythic this coming reset. Looking for a DH and a Monk. Also room for other people looking to start mythic soon.

We are now 1/11M still looking to fill a dps slot or 2, High priority for DH and a monk, Also looking for skilled dps who want to get aotc and start some mythic raiding.
Btag is mysticknight#1390

We are now 2/11M, and 11/11H AOTC, Looking for a couple dps to beef up mythic progression. Btag is mysticknight#1390

Have a few dps slots open for mythic progression currently 3/11M and 11/11 AOTC.
hit up my btag if you’re looking to get AOTC and or starting some mythic progression mysticknight#1390

Bump Looking for active players who want to raid, Currently farming mythic raids and looking for people who want a raid spot in DF for AOTC and CE.

Bump Looking for a few DPS who want to do heroic/mythic raiding hit me up on btag mysticknight#1390

bump…moar DPS please


where are all the Dee Pee Ess classes!

bump 567910

Bump looking for dps for season 2