Sweet Pirate Transmog

We’re in the third act of the Expansion, and I was wondering when the heck do we get any of these cosmetic items for our appearance collections.
They’re already available for NPCs, and I know of one or two Macaws in Tiragarde Sound that have some cool hats on them that despawn when hunters tame them.

I was hoping they’d be available as soon as BFA launched, with the promise of Island Expeditions being a good source of cosmetic items and mounts, or they’d have a small chance to drop off of mobs in Freehold, the world zone, and the dungeon/instance.

While I did like the inclusion of the Dubloon Vendor, that offered cosmetics, pets, and Mounts, I was dissappointed we only got a Red Tricorne, a blue Tricorne, and a Grey Tricorne. Faction colors, of course, and grey, for those who snitched on Saurfang.

I checked the PTR for 8.2, the appearance tabs, hoping that they’d be added on the last possible day, but no. The Garland of Grain, a Brewfest Cosmetic Helm was added, but none of the side-Bicornes for the Freehold Crews, or the Fogtide Freebooters (Black with skull and sabers) or the updated model for the First Mates’ Hat.

I’m disenheartened, thinking that they will not be included for Pirates’ Day 2019 this year. Even moreso, that it feels like I’m the only one making holy noise on the Forums about these cosmetics, or the fact the First mates’ Hat, or the Bloodsail outfit you get from the quest where you get the Bloodsail Admiral’s Hat, “Dressing the Part” is not even cosmetic, after Blizzard talked about loosening Transmog restrictions.

Also, Duskhaven Tophat = Cosmetic, not Cloth. (I don’t care for that, personally, but I figure people might be as passionate about that Hat for their character of choice)


I really want these as well. The side-facing bicornes look WAY better on Worgen than the forward-facing ones IMO, and it’s garbage that leather-wearers don’t currently have access to side-facing bicorne appearances.

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