Hello, I am a geared ele shaman LF a new home. I am working on BT attunement and I am attuned to TK but not SSC, just need nightbane kill! I come to raid with all full consumes and I play the best of my ability!!
Da Krew 14/14 would use another shaman DPS. We raid Tues/wed 830-1130 pm server time. If you want more info pst boostergold emppalpatine bigrico or jantage in game.
Currently looking for another dps, we raid Wednesday & Sunday 9pm-12, we are a great guild that has been together since the start of vanilla wow raided all vanilla content including Naxx, currently have all current content on farm looking to start SSC/TK next week.
for more information get with Falcros, Remedys, Rax, or Maevy