Blizz creates yet another event that rewards 1% of their player base, while giving the finger to the other 99%.
Don’t even bother with them unless you’re on a nearly dead server or can join a crack team of mob tagging experts, where every undead that drops is literally tagged inside of 1-2 secs from when it lands by one of half a dozen sweaty boys farming the “invasion.”
Perhaps it’s time Blizz felt the economic effects of catering to 1% while ignoring the 99%.
I envy sweaty boys. If only i too could live in my moms basement as an unemployed loser who plays video games all day. Ahhh, we all have our dreams don’t we?
Perhaps. Ive already made that call myself… ;/
The sooner TBC appears, and the sweat flows downhill into it, the better for vanilla classic.
you’re in for a rude awakening in many TBC farming environments 
I love how you deride smaller servers as nearly dead in one sentence and then complain about over population in the next.
I do not plan to play TBC. Just hoping the sweat rolls down that slippery slope.
What exactly do you want them to do?
They basically ported most of the code from Vanilla into the Legion/BFA client and server. There’s only so much they can do before it’d require a complete, from scratch, recoding of the system.
I do think they could have done a few things pretty easily since it’s either a numerical change or a flag.
- Triple the mobs HP; at least for the first few weeks
- Flag the Necrotic Runes as ‘lootable by all’; a number of quest items (usually Heads) can be looted by an entire group…and the MC hands for Hydraxian faction can be looted by all raid members ((I heard the runes aren’t lootable by all. And act like the uncommon Scourgestones; rolled on.))
- Increase the rate at which Invasions pop; though this would also mean increasing the number of waves needing to be defeated again.
It might be possible to also bring in the tagging system that Retail uses.
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As with countless other things (see: herbs/ore, economy issues, etc), this is yet another casualty of allowing servers 3-4 times bigger than vanilla servers to exist in classic in the first place.
Just have to hope the mistake isnt repeated for tbc.
I want Blizzard to address this:
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I looked forward to this event I couldn’t wait. Hit WL Tuesday and was ready to focus on the new phase with the boys and the guild. It’s really toxic, they should have distributed the Runes the same way they do Ekos. Your group gets the kill you loot it. More spawns for the invasion. There’s plenty of time to do this. Everything from consumes to herbs pricing are being hiked up and I think it’s because of auctioneer and the percentages being manipulated. Blizzard should step in on that and start targeting the people who are purposely hiking those prices because they’re the same ones selling hundreds of black lotus at once. Prices in everything are being hiked up. This isn’t what I looked forward to. Getting ready for the next raid is gonna be a real annoying problem and I hope it doesn’t ruin this phase.
Ah, yes…remove the API that actually makes the game function to stop it from being exploited. 
((LUA Unlockers merely make it so you can access protected API calls…like casting spells. So, removing that call, makes it so the Client can’t tell the server the player casting Frostbolt.))
Ya, no thanks…I’ve been disco-ed enough times because the game thought was teleport-hacking. Usually it happens around the ‘seamless’ transition points like Stormwind gates. But I’ve also gotten it by swimming in the waterfalls and spinning my character while jumping.
Plus that’s a lot of overhead the server now has to handle. Sure, private servers did it. But they also didn’t have almost 8k players on at any given time.
So…you want them to put an artificial cap on the max you can list an item on the AH (probably a percentage above the vendor-sell price).
Okay. Every farmer will just take their wares to /2 (Trade Chat). Or use a 3rd party AH website, where you put in “orders” and then someone fulfills them via COD. - Like coming to the forums and saying “I got x20 Greater Frost Protection Pots; selling them for 200g COD” or someone saying “I need Greater Frost Protection Pots, will pay 8g each”.
Like, you guys all knew what was going to be needed in each Phase. Why didn’t you farm those items before the start of the phase???
Though, I do agree, they need to adjust spawn timers to account for the larger populations.
It wouldn’t be a problem if some servers didn’t literally have 5-10x the population numbers of a large Vanilla server.
As much as I’m for no changes, this is probably the best option. Make the tags for these mobs only faction wide. Considering this event only lasts about a month at most, these changes won’t have an impact on the game at large.
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How do you think we got Wrath?
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The worst part is that everyone ignores you, you basically have to act like a jerk to get these tags. We’re all in the same boat, trying to get this done. However, sweaty boys camping the spawns and tagging everything is annoying and toxic af.
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are you trying to organize the bads into taking down a huge global company? good luck. they can’t tag a mob. lololol.
No server currently has 5-10x the population of a large Vanilla server. Full Vanilla servers had 3,000-3,500 concurrent users at peak times towards the end of Vanilla.
You can use a census addon and scan at prime-time, you’ll see that no server right now will even hit 5,000 concurrent players.