Actually no. As I said in the compilation thread:
The other issue is also that Warlock class fantasy shifts goal posts every other expansion. At the end of Cataclysm/Early MoP, our class fantasy via Legacy of the Masters was solidified as:
Affliction = Twilight/Void magic, both warlocks in the lore representative of the class were considered “insane”
Destruction = combination of void-rooted Chaos magic in the style of Deathwing, and elemental magic in the style of Ragnaros
Demonology = investigation of summoning and enslaving demons and self-empowerment via demonic souls and/or fel magic
Then with Chronicle and late MOP/early Warlords, Shadow (which had historically been both Death and Void rooted) became primarily Void rooted, so Shadow Priests became The Void Spec/Class, Unholy Death Knights leaned into the Death Magic Necromancer identity, and Affliction were “returned” to being about… poisoning/corrupting the enemy? With unspecific Shadow Magic.
Then Destruction lost some of our toolkit and was given mainly to Fire Mage.
Then we lost almost all of our inherent Tankiness (e.g. Fel Armor, Demon Armor, baseline everything regarding movements and shields, the implementation of Healthstone CD even for selfheals, Drain Life self heal, Soul Link, etc) because we were the only caster class with that toolkit.
Then Legion came and Demon Hunters became a class and we lost Metamorphosis and with it a lot of flavor like Demonic Leap and stance-dancing (which DHs dont even have! Their Meta is our WOTLK/Cata Meta, not our MoP/Warlords Meta!), etc, so Demonology was reduced only to “summoner” identity, which in material reality meant we became an Imp Mother with a demonic kennel.
The in-game “lore” behind Affliction warlocks is NOT (nor has been, historically) centered on demons particularly.
In fact, if you look at Affliction Talents in live (and for the past few expansions), you will see we simply do not have any demon-centric Talents save for Grimoire of Sacrifice, which actually lets us play without a demon.
I would argue that darkglare and observer (which can replace felhunter) are both more old god-esque with all their tentacles. Darkglare looks like something straight out of nyalotha if you ask me.
And technically the voidwalker isnt a demon anyways, it’s a void creature.