What’s this?
imgur. com/a/xDmBCpS
This is typically what happens when pug faces pug. Literally the last pug I faced.
What’s this?
imgur. com/a/xDmBCpS
This is typically what happens when pug faces pug. Literally the last pug I faced.
I know alliance pugs win in WSG. I question that the rogue I was responding to ever plays WSG. They strike me as someone who sticks to AV and free wins.
Ah, I thought you were talking to me.
Not often anymore, running into premades 5/6 matches seems like a waste of time…
yes asking for a map to be fair is very ridiculous
Do something…it’s to the point where going to AV makes me want to uninstall WoW
we did play better when we only had people who wanted to try, the outcome was 85% win rate with premades… I cant make that afkr play its all on blizzard now
yes, it was… that is why the bridge of death was such a big deal as most battles ended up with Horde fighting across the bridge and getting pushed back.
Well not so much pushed back as games just stale mated at the bridge until one side or the other got bored.
AV winrate is swayed far more by players mentality than any form of map imbalance.
The winrate is so far horde favored because a lot of allies are leeching or not playing to win.
The last AV I played a week ago I got to the ally back line with an invis potions, and I saw 5 warriors (multiboxer) just sitting in the back on their mounts. I killed the 4 follower warriors before the main warrior reacted. He ran off toward the graveyard likely to pick up the warriors again and come back. Then I killed a healer before I got taken down. But from 1 multiboxer using the AFK leech strategy, that was 5 allies not helping them win and just leeching…
It’s not the map that’s the major issue.
I’d believe that Horde AV groups have a more pvp-minded player base of pugs and rankers doing AV that would account for an 80% win rate. The issue is it’s not an 80% win rate. It’s closer to 100% than 90%.
Alliance is already the better faction on the better side, and losing day and night now. So… no change is necessary. Some people around here question how this can make sense, but they didn’t question it when the alliance won around the clock for 2 months. The faction and map sides didn’t change, so their logic falls flat on faces.
It was the PLAYERS that changed, and PLAYERS that are the biggest factor.