Swamp of Sorrows (Oceanic) We do not want transfers off our server

There have been threads from Swamp of Sorrows people saying the server is dead and they want transfers off. What should Blizzard do and who should they listen to?
AUS realms so dead R.I.P - WoW Classic / WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

I do understand why you’d want a healthy OCE SoM server AND why you don’t want to see your server totally die.

On TBCC Blizzard merged the OCE and NA battlegroup, people complained loudly about latency so they unmerged, now those OCE players want the battlegroups merged with the NA again because the battlegrounds are not being run often and you need to plan your arenas around certain hours. So it was like a flip-flop.

They aren’t closing the server so people are free to stay, even if free transfers off get offered. So you just want no transfer then? (ok I read, you want PVE to PVP which Blizzard does not do for Classic, period. Not TBCC, not Era, not SoM now) I doubt anyone who rerolled on Jom for a higher pop will leave to go back there.