SW King Anduin isn't on the throne - can't tell why

Hey, I’m trying to complete “Payment in Kind” BFA quest, so I can continue with BFA campaign/storyline to unlock Ny’loth raid on my hunter.

I go to SW and the castle/throne but instead of King Anduin, it has Turalyon on the throne instead. It was like this before accepting the Payment in Kind quest as I am stuck for the same reason on quest “The Missing Blade” - also needing to turn into King Anduin on the SW throne.

I’ve looked up wowhead and other forum posts - saying it specific questlines and phasing lockouts – however I’m at a loss as I’ve either done those quests (unlock TWW, DF, Legion, etc intro quests) or I can’t find anything in my quest log that’ll be a phase-related quest for SW castle.

At first I thought it was because in-game retail TWW Andiun gave the throne to Turalyon, but if so how can I do old content needing Anduin on the throne, ,thus confused…

Any ideas world or GMs?

Anduin left after Shadowlands (no spoilers as to why) and that’s why Turalyon is there. I know that’s not much use as direct info, but maybe it’ll help you figure out why the phasing is weird?