SV - Our pet damage need to increase

All I do is throw bombs, send my pet to do the dirty work, then throw more bomb, and then jump into the mob, swing my spear and jump back out faster than you can say hunter, while my pet stays with the tank going mano a mano against the forces of evil. So yeah :+1:, increase their damage by at least 35% .

Can’t disagree more. Tying more of your damage to your pet just means it’s less reliable and less controllable.

Also…I don’t even see why this is a problem to be fixed.


I would much rather have better pet ai that doesnt somehow run off and disappear half the times im fighting in pve/pvp.

I would also like to have better defensive upgrades to Aspect of the turtle and feign death for survival considering these two are an absolute joke for a melee hybrid.

What are you doing to your pets ?

That’s why you also have Sotf with 2 charges, exhil and Fort of the bear.

How many more defensives do you need ?


In pvp they can often not return when recalled, and are off either in the map or stuck somewhere. They also run around a path if an individual jumps off the ledge and can take a long time getting back to use (considering fortitude of the bear, coordinated, flanking and kill command require them, this locks us out)

Just because we have SotF and bear doesn’t negate the fact we have two abilities that do very little to nothing to protect us in a pvp scenario and sometimes in pve.

Get loaded up with dots? feign death doesnt clear them, and it breaks it leading to being unable to restealth if needed. Loaded up with dots? shell and you’re still dying through it, still can’t gain the restealth. You could use the talent Survival tactics, but you still have 10% of the damage ticking and negates the ability to restealth even in the 2 seconds it is active.

Shell COULD be better by providing a pause on the damage (doesn’t have to clear it) during shell which would allow you to feign and restealth, and allowing you some time to reposition.

Feign COULD remove all dots like it used to in Legion and allow you to do a full restealth and cleanse.

These also COULD be pvp talents that they can introduce to leave PvE alone and make the QoL for PvP better. (alternates to survival tactic-like talents)

These abilities COULD be better instead of ignoring the fact that they continue to function the same way they did for too many years in a wow that has gotten much more instant.

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Hunter defensives are fine as is in PvE.
Hunter still gets plenty of play in PvP with it’s current defensives (which have also improved over the last few years)

It’s okay (and actually good design) to not have an answer to every single situation, it’s good that 1 class/spec can not just reliably counter everything they want at any time.

I completely agree, however when you have classes like rogue, paladin, dk, druids, monks and demon hunters who have near complete immunities to both physical and magical effects. Its also ok to improve on an outdated design.

you shouldn’t be fighting at range for prolonged periods of time, why are you jumping in and out :male_detective:

Care to elaborate ?

It would be too late to fix it. I’m all out of faith, this is how I feel: Borrowed Power Hunter mains are already torn. Cold and shamed, lying naked on the floor…

How so?

You can control exactly who your pet attacks, with your pet damage being practically static.

It’s worthless to make the pet damage increase, I agree, but that’s just a weird response to it. Would be easier to tie in modifiers to both pet + player similar to Spearhead.

KC could use a buff to damage. Thing is, I’d rather see pet pathing get fixed first. Got issues with the pet not staying with me when I drop down from a high elevation.

Wouldn’t make sense to buff KC’s damage too much when it’s designed to be a “generator” as opposed to one of the finishers.

Thats bm’s thing, so i’d say no

Or better yet, SV could go for a petless option altogether. Make Raptor Strike a generator instead.

what if every ability generated focus

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Then none of them need to, and it can use “De Radio Oranje” of BM spec Focus.

We should just remove all costs and cooldowns from abilities

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