They’ve had years of meaningful input, including tons of it that they were given in the Legion Alpha and Beta back when they could have changed something to avoid this whole mess. Unless of course by ‘meaningful input’ you only mean input that is given alongside liberal amounts of praise to Blizzard on how great they have done and how much you love them.
How is “X sucks. Here’s the reason, and here’s the data that supports it. Here is how you can easily fix X without upsetting anyone.” not meaningful input?
No, Blizzard doesn’t respond to meaningful input. They respond to loud input. They do this because the general playerbase is exposed to loud input, not quiet input. All those prim and proper posts giving significant amount of effort to communicate to Blizzard where they could improve the game, while maintaining an air of excessive respect and adoration for Blizzard, that fall off the first page with 1 or 2 comments, don’t work. What matters is what is loud and what is debated/discussed often. Anyone who thinks otherwise is incredibly naive.
This of course isn’t to say that these loud discussions can’t give meaningful input, as that is what they’ve been doing for years.