SV Hunter Feedback:

Overall I like the direction of the changes with a few caveats.

I noticed that Bombardier has been changed from:

When you cast Coordinated Assault, you gain 2 
charges of Wildfire Bomb.

When Coordinated Assault ends, your next 2
Explosive Shots are free and have no cooldown.


When you cast Coordinated Assault, you gain 2 
charges of Wildfire Bomb.

When Coordinated Assault ends, Explosive Shot's
cooldown is reset and your next Explosive Shot fires 
at 2 additional targets at 100% effectiveness

This change seems to have slipped past the notes.

While this works nice in AoE by saving a few globals it’s not a great change for ST compared to the original Bombardier Talent. Would be nice if it only lands on 1 target it deals 200% damage.

With the change to Butchery the Frenzy Strikes talent should probably be reworked in some way or it just becomes bad value.

The last note I have is I personally don’t really care for Ranger and Terms of Engagement switching positions.

Pretty happy with the changes though.

Butchery is also potent enough to be used in ST now :slight_smile: something worth considering

I don’t have an issue with the Butchery change, I am actually a big fan of the change. Frenzy Strikes is however tied to Butchery and tuned for Butchery having 3 charges on a shorter CD. Since that is no longer the case it needs to be looked at or it’s probably going to be a dead talent.

Also worth looking at Sic’ Em probably being worth nearly nothing unless it starts cleaving to 5~6 total targets or provides the 25% crit node that improved KS used to provide.
I almost want to say maybe even up the %proc but that’ll lead to global issues at high haste or during CA.