Survival/realism mode?

weve got heaps of other types of wow. just throwing my 2 cents on what I would ideally like to see:

1.items have weight
2. hunger/thirst
3. heat/cold exhaustion
4. stamina for characters
5. lootable player corpses in a WPVP setting

the list goes on… but im not sure where. im sure if i put more time into it i could come up with more but this is the bare knucks for now

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A lot of coding for little to no pay off for Microsoft

i know a guy who can code all this in one sitting on a weekend

I know a guy that thinks pudding is delicious however what we both said is meaningless in this conversation.

You need to make it profitable for Microsoft, you need to do all the rigging for all the races and their sexes, and so on.

It can’t be accomplished in a weekend and it is laughable to think it is to me

Lastly, there is an MMO like this, Dark Age of Camelot, and it has way better rpvp

Man i havent had pudding in forever. I should go buy some

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Go play EverQuest. It has all of this

He probably can…

However, can he get it prioritized through Agile development processes, coded, commits approved, QA’d, scheduled for release, and through testing in a weekend, Getting it prioritized and scheduled for development is probably going to be the most time consuming task.

When you’re a commercial developer, you work on what the project managers tell you to work on.

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Awesome. He going to write it in Python or Go?

It’s nice to program a bunch of extremely basic settings, with no data pool available, in a theoretical “hello world” program that has no framework to interface with existing tech.

Let’s be honest, we could have Copilot write this.

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Who summons me?


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So you want a mode where everyone plays a tank?

I was referring to LL, but you are welcome for pudding as well, more the merrier!

Essentially the OP wants Dark Age of Camelot

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Reminder that Blizzard had a survival game in the works, but scrapped it a long time ago.

Likely because it was already behind the trends and those types of games were already falling off to some degree.

Can we use our pets as sla… oh, uh I mean “indentured servants” to help us build a base of operations?

We had to feed the pets back in the day. And ran out of arrows mid fight. Not interested in going back lol.

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This is just life, I already play that game.

(Jokes aside something like this might be neat)

i just cant break away from the idea of tearing into a world of warcraft core and turning it into my own vision of what I believe would be the ideal game.

i guess ultima online spoiled me rotten when i was 12-16 years old. I just got a taste for it and my imagination runs wild on the possibilites and worlds I could create with a bit of hard work, time and dedication.

my imagination will always poke around and say “see that? it could be better this way” to me. Its just the way I am I guess…

i still feed my pets, though level appropriate meaty food
seems absent in the latest expansion…unless i’m missing it.
(which is entirely possible)
or maybe eating meat is considered bad now…who knows.
i’m still a carnivore and so are my pets…lol.

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