No I did that for Bepples since he was a complete embarrassment. You should just grow up now before its too late. Nobody cares about your constant whining here. I seriously cannot fathom why grown adults do this. Its seriously concerning. Its a video game. You need a girl mate.
The irony of how Metroid loves to use the “grow up”-card, yet he’s the one who spends his time on here, trolling other posters. Something that, by definition, constitutes childish behavior.
Just a few weeks after the last one, he abruptly switched to saying Survival was always meant to be a melee spec. This is what he repeats on the forums now, and he says every one of the above videos is “satire” (judge for yourselves whether they come across as comedy/parody).
This is what people mean when they say Metroid isn’t interested in sincere discussion
You just described BM hunter you know? Except they do not wear plate. They Stomp, Muti-Shot. Can use all their traps from distance. Also can just pillar hump while their pet does most of the damage. Also the best soloing spec.
So, Beast Mastery is the best spec thank you for saying so.
Whatever you say. It’s kind of astounding the lengths some of you on this forum will go to moving goal posts to “win” in some of the dumbest arguments.
You advocate for SV yet your are spec as BM. Kind of contradictory to your opposition. Why not play the spec you boast so much about?
You are either intentionally antagonizes others by posting with irrelevant comments or SV is not as great as you state, which then just makes you a hypocrite. Should stop speaking for those that actually play SV and enjoy it.
Toxi may troll but at the very least they can post in the spec they advocate for.
At this point im rather convinced that Zakna/Bruenor/Ahrtemis and what other alts he is using is just a bot that randomly throws out buzzwords that have nothing to do with what is being discussed.
Its like he doesnt even try to read or understand the posts, but he has to fill up his post with these buzzwords to be as obnoxious as possible. Obvious troll is obvious.
It just Toxi. Everyone knew he was just a troll and stopped replying, so they need to try on an alt. It shows how much they crave attention from anyone.
Pretty much. As with the other topic, according to him, I insulted someone when I mentioned to another poster that, based on what he was saying, he didn’t know what he was talking about, in relation to RSV.
It an alt they just showed up out of nowhere, and attacking same posters with not even understanding anything. It clear who it is and what pathetic attempt at trolling. Mass flag them and they can take vacation.
I bet they will get back on their main and try to play it off as not them.