Survival vote?

Nice try.

It has already been explained in detail why you’re wrong. Again, you ignore it all.

‘We already have too many specs in the game’

Based on what?

‘Hunter is the last class to “deserve” a 4th spec’

Pointless take, based on nothing but your personal bias.

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That irony though lol

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Not at all. You say this because you ignore most of what’s being said by anyone who speaks favorably of RSV.

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But there are no “objective reasons” to bring it back

Just bias, opinions and people trolling each other


Fine then, why don’t you specify your definition of an “objective reason” then. One that would be relevant here.


I mean if we really want something objective, Blizzard changed Survival to melee in Legion

They kept it melee in BFA

It stayed melee in Shadowlands

When 10.0 drops and it’s still melee, maybe you guys will understand what’s going on here lol


In other words, you have none. None of that is even remotely relevant to your previous argument.


Which previous argument?

That it’s never coming back? Looks relevant to me

That it’s Blizzards game? Looks relevant to me

That you guys are wasting your time? Looks relevant to me but this subjective depending on how much joy you get from fighting people on the internet

That we have too many specs to balance? I think Feral Druids, Enhancement Shaman and the entirely of the Warlock playerbase can confirm this one.

That other classes would deserve a new spec before Hunter? This is an opinion of course, that a class with 3 dps specs doesn’t need a 4th. You got me on that one, Ghorak!!!


I asked for your definition of what constitutes an ‘objective argument/reason’.

You listing your choice of reasons, isn’t that.

But anyway…

This is not an objective reason/argument. You have no clue whether it will/won’t be brought back. Unless you know something everyone else doesn’t…

It is their game yes. And? Also not an objective reason/argument for why it shouldn’t be brought back. It’s not an argument for anything really.

Again, this is just your opinion. Also, again, not relevant to your previous argument.

This wasn’t as much of an issue prior to Legion. But then they decided to double(triple) down on expansion specific e.g. systems and borrowed power. Ergo, the issue isn’t the number of specs, but their focus on these new systems, and how it results in them, spending all their time on those rather than the base class mechanics.

Them constantly focusing on new powers/systems will obviously cause more issues when it comes to tuning/balancing. Again, this is independent of whether we have 36 specs in the game, or 37.

That it is, yes.


Well that was difficult to get through but I made it. You calling my arguments opinions is just an opinion, after all.

Where is the proof of this!

Yes, Blizzard changed Survival to melee in Legion. And, in passing, they made MM unplayable by adding RSV abilities and removing the MM pet option. Anyway…
Every expac, MSV gets re-written. What’s being played right now is the 3rd or 4th revision, and I’ve noticed that with every revision, people will comment about ranged abilities making their way into the Melee Hunter Spell-book.

Hey… I went and looked over the spell-books for Surv. and compared to MM, and realized Surv. lacks only Aimed Shot. Instead of wasting your time telling pro-RSV people they are wasting their time, you should be lobbying to carry both ranged and melee weapons.
back to Melee Surv. If a Melee Hunter equips a gun or bow, they will have practically the same number of ranged abilities as I do as MM, yet still be in the Surv. spec.
Surv. has a few melee abilities, and a few more that are make-believe, but at the core, there is a MM Hunter.
It’s funny, the Devs changing the spec to differentiate MM from Surv.
100% miss…

Oh, come on! History you have seen with your own eyes, played through! borrowed power, like the corrupted items from Nzoth. No balancing that…

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I have also seen people whine on the forums for 5 years about ranged survival with no results

It’s a tough life

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i enjoy the melee suvrival hunter its quite fun to play and hunter has 2 ranged specs already.on my suvrival hunter i can kill players in pvp with little effort compared to other classes with out a lego and under geared …lol.

i hope blizzard expands more on the suvrival hunter keeping it melee.


Unless we are just going to argue that every idea or fantasy for a spec, deserves to be represented in an additional spec and not as a redesign of an existing spec because all fantasies deserve to be represented, there are few justifications for a 4th spec.

One could argue, that druid deserved a 4th spec. That it was somehow justified to separate feral into two specs, for some reason other than artifact weapon design convenience. In part, that justification is because feral filled two possible roles. I would argue that was a unique feature of the spec that was robbed by splitting the spec, but I digress. 4th spec was never, and is still, not a part of WoW’s overall design philosophy. Breaking that model to give a class with 2 ranged DPS specs a 3rd ranged DPS spec because— as the argument goes— the melee spec isnt popular enough and is a handicap and doesnt fit the class fantasy and was a bad idea from the beginning and nobody wants it and its stupid to fight bears in melee (etc etc ad nauseum) is just complete idiocy.

If all those arguments for why RSV should come back are true, then MSV shouldn’t continue to exist and therefor we dont need a 4th spec. If MSV is justified in its existence, then it must be just for it to exist at the expense of RSV.


To clarify, are you saying that balance wasn’t an issue before Legion? Because I’m pretty sure MoP was broken AF when it came to balance, eg. Demonology Warlocks.

Missing a dead spec from pre Legion doesn’t deserve any kind of privilege of being a 4th spec. Get over it already.

tbf you have never had an actual solid argument that wasnt littered in biasness.

I remember the countless threads and whining about MM not needing a pet and once you get it now this? LOL

Life tough? Sometimes. Now is not one of those times, for me.

Well, then you may have come across some of my posts, adamantly defending the MM spec as a Hunter and pet team. I’ve never said anything else.

I wish Blizzard would just make a decision, and come out with it publicly, so we could get over all this back and forth already.

Anything that lets a group have what it wants without taking away from another group that already has what it wants, too, is a win. So, sure.

Personally, my ideal would be a hybrid range Beast Mastery (ranged primary, occasionally going in for a bit more min-maxing, with many skills behaving dynamically with range), Marksmanship, Survival (RSV, but with more trickery), and Pursuit (the new, more all-in melee spec).

Admittedly, that still has some costs to existing players --namely those who want to do all the subterfuge of trapping enemies only to… leap at them with their beating stick instead of shooting them from that created safety-- but I’m okay with that; I think a true melee hunter, instead of a weird half-cocked hybrid, would be better for both sides.

P.S. None of that is to say I dislike MSV as it stands, relative to the other two jobs. It’s decently fun --perhaps even more than the other two in the meta builds of each, so long as one doesn’t mind having little to no unique advantage. I just feel it’s thematically contradictory and the best parts of it could be made better if split from its vestigial Survival components, while those Survival components in turn could be reinvigorated if situated somewhere that wouldn’t, lacking the space to fit it more appropriately, seem to have melee components simply forced atop it.