Since we haven’t seen any large Hunter changes on the Alpha yet, I took some time to see what kind of spec tree changes I could cook up for Survival as a for-fun exercise. Baseline, I think SV’s spec tree is alright. It just has too many 2-point nodes and boring % damage increases that have no flair or kit interaction. So my main goal with this tree was to improve those points.
I’m not a game designer, but I tried to make changes and additions that fit within the spec fantasy while keeping existing builds intact. I also tried to contrast more complex choice node options with simpler ones, as that seems to be a broad design goal Blizzard maintains. Some of these nodes are ideas I have seen thrown around the Hunter discord, and those are credited where relevant. This is mostly still a draft, but I thought I’d put it out there to see what people think.
The link is a visualization of the revamped talent tree. Below the visual is a text changelog you can cross-reference with.
Any feedback or discussion is welcome!
Row 1:
Mongoose Bite is now a baseline skill for Survival, replaced on the tree by Wildfire Bomb. This baseline Mongoose Bite has Mongoose Fury at a reduced effectiveness (10% per stack vs 15% per stack previously).
Row 2:
Ranger has been moved to Wildfire Bomb’s previous location.
NEW Ranger - Now a 1 point node. Bonus lowered to 10% from 20%
Tip of the Spear - Now a 1 point node.
Row 3:
OLD Ferocity - All damage done by your pet is increased by 10%. Replaced with Bloodseeker.
NEW Bloodseeker - Moved to Ferocity’s location, gains Ferocity’s effect.
Kill Command causes the target to bleed for damage over 8 sec. You and your pet gain 10% attack speed for every bleeding enemy within 12 yds.
NEW Additionally, all damage done by your pet is increased by 10%Flanker’s Advantage - Unchanged
Harpoon - Unchanged
Row 4:
OLD Energetic Ally: Increases your and your pet’s maximum focus by 10
NEW Energetic Ally: Increases your pet’s Focus Regeneration by X% for 10 seconds after entering combat, and for 10 seconds after you use Harpoon. Maximum duration of 20 seconds.
NEW Red Truth (1pt): If a target near you is suffering from Bloodseeker, you and your pet gain 4% leech
NEW Wildfire Infusion moved to Bloodseeker’s previous location - Effect Unchanged.
Aspect of the Eagle - Unchanged.
Terms of Engagement - Unchanged.
Row 5:
Guerilla Tactics - Unchanged.
Lunge - Unchanged.
Carve/Butchery - Now possess previous Frenzy Strikes talent node (Wildfire Bomb/Flanking Strike CDR) by default.
NEW Brutal Mongoose (1pt) , Located at Mongoose Bite’s previous location - Mongoose Fury now increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by an additional 5%.
NEW Danger Zone (1pt, connected to Terms of Engagement) - When you Harpoon a target from over 25 yards away, also cast Explosive Shot on that target (Does not incur a cooldown for Explosive Shot if talented).
Row 6:
Intense Focus - Unchanged.
OLD Improved Wildfire Bomb - Wildfire Bomb deals 12/25% additional damage.
NEW Wildfire Cluster (1pt, replacing Improved Wildfire Bomb) - Wildfire Bomb drops an additional cluster of bombs around the target, each exploding for X% fire damage.
OLD Frenzy Strikes - Butchery and Carve reduce the remaining cooldown on Wildfire Bomb by 1 sec and the remaining cooldown of Flanking Strike by 1 sec for each target hit, up to 5.
NEW Frenzy Strikes - Wildfire Bomb damage over time has a chance to empower your next Butchery to deal X% additional damage and cost no focus.
Carve casts empower the potency of all Wildfire Infusions for 4 seconds (Increases the damage of Internal Bleeding and Volatile Reaction, and Pheromone Bomb enhanced Kill Commands to cause you to strike afterward for moderate dmg.)
Frenzy Strikes old effect is now baseline to Carve/Butchery
Flanking Strike - Unchanged.
OLD Spear Focus - Mongoose Bite damage increased by 5/10%.
NEW Venomous Strikes (1pt, replacing Spear Focus) - Mongoose Bite and pet damage increased by 10% against targets suffering from Serpent Sting.
Row 7 (Big changes from here on out):
OLD Viper’s Venom - Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite have a 15/30% chance to apply Serpent Sting to your target.
NEW Viper’s Venom (1pt) - Mongoose Bite has a chance to grant Viper’s Venom, causing your next Serpent Sting to deal X% increased direct damage.
Additionally, Viper’s Venom causes your next Serpent Sting to deal X% of its remaining damage immediately if Serpent Sting is already active on your target. (Thyminde’s idea from TSL Discord, not mine)
Quick Shot - Moved from row 8 to row 7, and is now a Choice Node (Quick Shot/Quick Throw).
Quick Throw - When Kill Command’s cooldown is reset, you have a 20% chance to repeat your last Wildfire Bomb at X% effectiveness, and incur no cooldown.
OLD Sharp Edges - Critical damage dealt increased by 2/4%.
NEW Fiery Temperament (1pt) - Your pet gains 5% haste and movement speed for X seconds after you throw a Wildfire Bomb. Stacks up to 3 times (Ironfur-style stacking).
OLD Sweeping Spear - Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Butchery, and Carve damage increased by 5/10%.
NEW Sweeping Spear (1pt) - Every X Focus you spend causes your pet to lash out in an AoE, dealing moderate damage to up to 5 targets. Enemies afflicted with Bloodseeker take X additional damage from this effect. (5 yard range)
Butchery and Carve contribute double their Focus cost to this effect.
OLD Tactical Advantage - Damage of Flanking Strike increased by 5/10% and all damage dealt by Wildfire Bomb increased by 5/10%.
NEW Choice Node: Tactical Advantage/Fatal Flank
NEW Tactical Advantage is now 1 pt, retains its old effect, and also causes Flanking Strike to trigger Flanker’s Advantage (KC Reset) when it hits. Now a choice node with:
NEW Fatal Flank - Your Flanking Strike now costs 30 Focus and no longer gains CDR from Carve/Butchery, but benefits from stacks of Mongoose Fury and from Spearhead.
(Not my idea, something I’ve seen being thrown around the TSL discord for a while)
Bloody Claws - Each stack of Mongoose Fury increases the chance for Kill Command to reset by 2/4%.
NEW Bloody Claws (1pt) - Each stack of Mongoose Fury increases the damage of your pet by 6%.
(DoolB’s idea from Hunter Discord, not mine)
NEW Active Ability, connected to Venemous Strikes: Wyvern Strike - A venom-coated attack that strikes two targets for moderate damage and applies Wyvern Sting (6 sec DoT). 45 Second Cooldown
Each tick of Wyvern Sting builds 1 stack of Mongoose Fury. Capped at three stacks total, regardless of target count.
Cooldown reduced by Carve/Butchery
Row 8:
OLD Wildfire Infusion
NEW Aspect of the Viper (1pt, connected to Viper’s Venom) - Your pet’s Claw/Smack/Bite now deal nature damage and all nature damage you deal is increased by 20% to targets above 70% health.
NEW Choice Node at Quick Shot’s old location: Sharpnel Shredder/Bombing Run.
NEW Shrapnel Shredder - Enemies struck by the initial damage of your Wildfire Bomb take X additional damage from your next physical attack. Kill Shot causes your target to take X% of the full damage of any Wildfire Bomb they are afflicted by without affecting the duration.
NEW Bombing Run - After X yards of movement in combat, you find the time to attach a Tar Trap to your next Wildfire Bomb. When the Bomb detonates, it also ignites the Tar Trap, causing up to 8 enemies inside of the trap to burn for X% Fire damage over X seconds. Targeting an enemy with Hunter’s Mark outside of combat readies this effect.
Coordinated Assault - Coordinated Kill’s old effects allowing Kill Shot to be usable at any enemy HP value and giving Wildfire Bomb CDR and focus generation are now baseline to Coordinated Assault.
OLD Killer Companion - Kill Command damage increased by 5/10%.
NEW Spearhead moves to replace Killer Companion. Spearhead is unchanged
NEW Hunter’s Bond (Connected to Bloody Claws) - Your pet’s Claw/Smack/Bite is reduced by 1.5 seconds during Mongoose Fury
Your pet’s Claw/Smack/Bite have a small chance to grant you 10 Focus
NEW Fanged Blade (1pt, Connected to Wyvern Strike) - Wyvern Strike now hits 1 additional target, and also applies Serpent Sting to all enemies damaged by it
Row 9:
Fury of the Eagle - Unchanged
Ranger- Moved to top of tree
OLD Coordinated Kill - While Coordinated Assault is active, the cooldown of Wildfire Bomb is reduced by 50%, Wildfire Bomb generates 10 Focus when thrown, Kill Shot’s cooldown is reduced by 50%, and Kill Shot can be used against any target, regardless of their current health.
NEW Coordinated Kill - Coordinated Assault empowerments now stack, up to 3. When Coordinated Assault is inactive, your pet’s Claw/Smack/Bite have a chance to grant you a Coordinated Assault Empowerment at 150% effectiveness
OLD Explosives Expert - Wildfire Bomb cooldown reduced by 1/2 sec.
NEW Wilderness Survival (1pt Connected to Coordinated Assault, Sweeping Spear, and Spearhead) - Mongoose Bite deals an additional X damage and reduces the remaining cooldown of Wildfire Bomb by 1 sec.
NEW Node occupying Spearhead’s previous location, Cornered Prey.
NEW Cornered Prey - Spearhead restores 30 Focus and increases your maximum Focus to 130 for its duration. Additionally, Mongoose Fury’s maximum stacks are increased by 1 during Spearhead
NEW Choice Node, connected to Hunting Bond. Eagletalons/Snake Hunter
Eagletalons- When Mongoose Fury reaches maximum stacks, you gain X% increased damage to all abilities for 10 sec.Snake Hunter - Mongoose Fury’s Duration is decreased to 10 seconds, but now increases the damage of Mongoose Bite by an additional 7% per stack.
NEW Venomous Cocktail (2pts, Connected to Fanged Blade) - Wyvern Sting damage is enhanced by all Serpent Sting modifiers at 25/50% effectiveness. Serpent Sting damage over time has a small/moderate chance to grant 1 stack of Mongoose Fury.
Row 10:
NEW Spearspark Ignition (Hunter Tier 31 Set, connected to Fury of the Eagle) - Fury of the Eagle throws a free Wildfire Bomb at your current target at 100% effectiveness, causes your next Wildfire Bomb to not incur a cooldown, and increases the damage Wildfire Bomb deals to your primary target by X% for 12 sec.
Ruthless Marauder - Changed from a 2pt to 1pt node
Birds of Prey - Unchanged
Bombardier - Wildfire Bomb’s cooldown is reset at the start and end of Coordinated Assault.
NEW Additionally, during Coordinated Assault: Your Wildfire Bombs cost 10 focus, increase your Focus regeneration by X% for 3 seconds after being thrown, and their damage over time effects stack. (“Ignite”)
NEW Wildfire Satchel (1pt, connected to Wilderness Survival) - Wildfire Bomb and Explosive Shot have 1 additional charge (Thyminde’s idea from TSL Discord, not mine).
Deadly Duo - Now a 1 point node and a choice node with Strike By Scent.
NEW Strike By Scent - While Spearhead is active, Mongoose Bite also strikes additional targets afflicted with Bloodseeker, up to 2.