Survival should be a Tank spec

What do you think? The name is suggestive.

I’d definitely give it a try, and probably use the spec more often, specially because tanking is scarce and can get you faster in higher keys.

As a hunter main, i say absolutely not. When they took RSV and made is MSV that was bad enough. Now if you make it a tank spec, you’d be taking the spec further down the wtf path.


No, honestly it would make more sense for survival to be a support dps spec like aug envokers.

I think I’m glad you don’t work for blizzard….


No thank you.

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i’d rather see survival become a Caster/melee dps that flings spells then a tank spec. But its fine as it is besides needing remove the Arcane shot restriction of needing a bow when we can cast it 30% with KC that small change will make us a ranged DPS that melees just for burst damage.

No. Stop. Tank specs are awful and unusable for pvp. Survival was better when it was mainly the pvp spec and bad at pve instead of balanced for pve like now.


once they forbid outlaw players from talking to guards/entering cities or increase the numbers of limbs arms has


No what should happen is BM should be melee and BM should be a tank spec.

No. If Hunter were to get a tank spec, it should be a 4th spec.

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